If it is a slang or an abbreviation or an acronym, then replace “/OOV” tag with “/SLG”. And, provide a full meaning of the slang/abbreviation/acronym word. For example, for the word “imo/OOV”, its corrected form will be “in my opinion/SLG”. Note that Twitter users often use slangs, abbreviations, and acronyms intentionally, mainly to fit within Twitter 140 character limit.
If it is a geo-location, then replace the “/OOV” tag with “/LOC”. Also correct spellings, if required.
If it is a misspelled word or a typo, then replace the “/OOV” tag with “/MSP” and provide its correct spellings. Note that misspellings and typos happen unintentionally.
If it is an organization name, then replace the “/OOV” tag with “/ORG”
If it seems like a person name, then replace the “/OOV” tag with “/PP”
If it is a combination of more than one words like “prayfornepal”, then split it into multiple words using spaces and replace the “/OOV” tag with “/MW”. For example, “prayfornepal/OOV” will become “pray for nepal/MW”
If none of the above is applicable or the OOV word in not an English word, then replace the “/OOV” tag with “/NA”