We’re going to go for a walk today. But it’s going to be a funny kind of walk… we’re going to let
coin flips be your guide.
Select a volunteer walker and another student to flip a coin. With the walker standing in a
suitable location, explain to the class that the student will take one step forward when the coin
lands heads, and one step back when the coin lands tails. With each flip, have the volunteer
take a step forward or back. Repeat 6-10 times to interest students in the randomness of the
student’s motion.
If you were feeling random one day, and were to take a walk with coin flips as your guide like
our volunteer just did, what would you wonder about? What would you be curious about?
Record your thoughts on the handout. (Distribute the “Flip Trip” handout.) Allow students
time to generate questions; circulate to see what students are writing.
As you distribute coins, ask students to share their thoughts. Possible responses:
How often will I get heads or tails?
Where will I arrive after a certain number of flips?
How long will it take me to get to the other end of the room?
What are my chances of getting to the other end of the room?
It would take forever just to walk a couple of feet!