A new method of kinetic analysis that allows the combined analysis of data obtained under different experimental conditions, i.e. heating pathway, is presented for the crystallization of non-crystalline solids. The method consists of atwo-stage procedure. Firstly, an optimization procedure is applied for the determination of the Johnson, Mehl andAvrami (JMA). This optimization procedure is based on the linearization of the rate equation throw a logarithmic transformation; where the correlation coefficient function is the objective function, and the JMA order is the adjustable parameter. The JMA order obtained from this optimization procedure allows one to determine in a second stage the other kinetic parameters, i.e. activation energy and pre-exponential Arrhenius factor. The method proposed here allows one to analyze in a combined way data obtained under any heating profile, because no assumptions are made on the heating profile for the derivation of the rate equation. The method is tested with computed and experimental curves obtained under different heating conditions. The crystallization kinetics of (GeS2)0:3(Sb2S3)0:7glass are studied from the combined analysis of several curves.