orest Ecosystems are responsible for much of our Climate Physiology. The Ecosystem is ast core function of a working Forest. Forest trees begin emitting Oxygen soon after planting.
However, simply planting trees will not create a working Forest Ecosystem. To accomplish that you must have virtually all the plant species that Nature provides from the smallest Flowers through woody shrubs and under story trees.
The Forest Ecosystem is a virtual clean climate machine. It Cleans the air removing particulate matter, it cools the air and adds moisture. The Forests absorb existing air separating the elements freeing and releasing the Oxygen, disposing of the minor elements and using the CO2 for food to grow.
Even the pollutant nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is absorbed by the enzyme rich soil and released as harmless nitrogen.
Forests release water vapor which rises and forms the clouds ... and in turn combined with the ocean currents they control our weather