Algal-bacterial synergistic cultivation could be an optional wastewater treatment technology in temperate
areas. In this study, a locally screened vigorous Chlorella strain was characterized and then it was used
in a comparative study of wastewater treatment and nutrient recycle assessment via activated sludge
(AS), microalgae and their combination systems. Chlorella sp. cultured with AS in light showed the best
performance, in which case the removal efficiencies of COD, NH3-N and TP were 87.3%, 99.2% and
83.9%, respectively, within a short period of 1 day. Algal-bacterial combination in light had the best settleability.
Chlorella sp. contained biomass, could be processed to feed, fertilizer or fuel due to the
improved quality (higher C/H/N) compared with sludge. PCR-DGGE analysis shows that two types of rhizobacteria,
namely, Pseudomonas putida and Flavobacterium hauense were enriched in sludge when cultured
with algae in light, serving as the basics for artificial consortium construction for improved
wastewater treatment.