ฉันรักแปลDear Khun Wassana,
Ref to the meeting yesterday regarding silver grain stored in Freezone of Malca-Trading. And that we proposed to clear from Freezone to Pandora under BOI privilege.
In the meeting conclusion, there was concern in using BOI privilege for it may effect BOI Max Stock of Pandora.
As we discussed with IEAT regarding the concern and we are advised to clear by any other privilege available.
And as we have to conform with the rules of Customs and Freezone, we have to clear under customs entries.
So,we would like to propose clearing by vat exemption with PorPor 01.5.,instead of using BOI Privilege.
By this mean will not effect to any BOI matters and 100 % legally by Freezone and Customs regulations. and not against the Rules of revenue Department, (please find the Announcement of Rev.Dept attached)
If you agree on that , the next shipment return to Pandora we will do clearance using Porpor 01.5 add will also add the amount of the lots that we cleared in advance
The next import shipment from oversea that may be customs clear by other agent, to short cut the import process ,
please inform them to do import clearance under Malca-Trading Freezone privilege, instead of using Poror 01.5 or let them contact us. We are much willing to co-operate with them.