2.1. The influence of resource on community
The tourism resource of a destination is an important symbol and sign to attract tourists. Resources and community residents in general maintain a symbiotic relationship. Generally speaking, a tourist destination must establish resource administration to administer resource conservation, utilization and management. As for the environmental dimension, the administration protects local resources such as water and forestry. Through appropriate conservation measures, resource administration provides residents with sustainable agricultural and fishery utilization, as well as effective monitoring of pollutant emissions. Thus quality of life would be enhanced through environmental protection. These administrative strategies positively influence the sustainable development of tourism areas. From the standpoint of economics, residents directly participate in tour guiding or environmental conservation work. Residents’ employment opportunities are therefore safeguarded. As for the social dimension of an ecotourism destination, suitable education and training not only raises residents’ resources and cultural identity, but also elevates their awareness of environmental protection which further stimulates their supports for resource conservation. Peterson (1997, p. 12) stated,
‘‘It’s possibleythat a greater environmental awareness will stimulate the public into taking a more active role in reducing environmental pressures arising from their own individual actions’’. In addition, whether or not RA and residents can coexist harmoniously is a critical factor for tourism development. Residents do not wish tourism development to negatively affect their daily lives but they are expectant of the benefits and added income generated by it. Therefore, administrative bodies must maintain a good relationship with residents.