NHA lasanya" reveals ignorance of tax must be paid up to millions. To release it, and it was to pay income. Glad to see people due to tax good habits She just left finger Ring tailed ring good luck Insert the stick inches extra confidence is not an engagement ring from "nadet"
Doing so removes sweat tree frog After a stream of news that the heroine "GIA lasanya-Russ-SOE Porto Expo" to pay high taxes to millions because it was seen most recently earning a GIA lasanya in airline Bangkok Airways sachat launches a new series of advertisements, movies, family. "During the trip," he said. At the front of the cinema's Bangkok Airways Blue Ribbon screen Bon Paragon Hotel 17 duplex 5 floor, Siam Paragon. The open mind that it already has and do not worry, because their job was not to pay tax, it is normal.
"Yes, I really do not know the same money we got it already was, but if you want to pay it, it is not unusual to pay the latest paid already. We stayed in the job must pay taxes and it is normal, I do not mind already had worry. We must follow the law on the subject was taxes, celebrity ranks did not know the same. It is a matter of law, we do not. Many people view that as a heroine who paid taxes throughout the past year, I am glad. They have to pay, "he said.
She described the ring finger left have put 3-4 years, and then to pull the lucky ring accessory is confidence, not engagement ring.
"I must tell you that this place is 3-4 years, then Yes, because this one I think I own a lucky ring rats therefore time out, it is not the engagement ring I bought my family," he said.
Measurement of faith put her finger rings left side and will abstain from marriage. Confirm that there are no people around the agent's intimate nadet Valentine to build wireless WAN.