I want to express my feelings this past few days. I know you all know about the dating of Kim Myungsoo (Infinite L) and Kim Do Yeon.
I know that you saw the articles that Woolim release about the dating and the statement of Do Yeon. Back then, when the news of dating came out Woolim says that they are just close friend and they are not dating. Although Woolim say that many INSPIRIT or eLement starting to bash Do Yeon they starting to dig her past, talk some bad things about her and start scratching her car to the point she had suffered. But she remained silence even she is blame of all INSPIRIT and eLement. Many think that she is started the rumors so that she became a hot topic or maybe she is a attention seeker. At that time L fansites lost, I mean many fansites of L decided to closed down and many INSPIRIT or eLement says about L is liar or some bad things about him. It’s kinda hurt because fellow INSPIRIT do that things like they were bashing L. It;s like they didn’t know L. Do you think in the first why L remained silence? Do you know why Do Yeon remained silence? Why didn’t you research or investigate first before you judge them or bash them? I know you care and love L but when this issued came out why all his fans left him? Why his fans abandon him? Why all his fans don’t believe him? At that time L wants your understanding not only a understanding but your open minded mind but what would you do, you just left him says bad things about him? At that time maybe L is hurting because the persons he treasure or he love the most left him in that situation. Didn’t you think you are kind of selfish? L just date a girl he loves. And it is normal. L is 22 years old he know whats right and whats is wrong. WE the fans are just fans we are not the persons who will decide who they wants to be his girlfriend or who will be they want to date. I know we care about our bias and we don’t want them being hurt but sometimes we, fans create the bad image about our bias.
We must support them not leaving them. Yes, let’s admit the fact that L admit that they are dating. L is happy about that. So, as L fans should we happy too? Admit it when you’re bias like something you will automatically like it right even you don’t like it but your bias like it whether you like or not you just going to like because bias love it. It’s when you’re bias happy you should accept it be happy with it. Dating is not a crime. Many normal people or celebreties are doing it. So whats the matter if L is dating?
Woolim released their statement that the dating rumor back then are true. When the news came they denied it because they care and think the career of two. But, when it’s confirmed many INSPIRIT hate L, didn’t believe L and many fansites closed down and the fannims sell their cameras. Why? Are you called yourself a INSPIRIT it just a date not they were going to get married. Besides, they are still young. L never been experienced dating but he tried it and I think he is happy with that but some of immature INSPIRITS take a way his happiness and bashing him and her. I don’t blame Do Yeon why she wants to reveal it you wanna know why? because she is really really hurt. If you read her statement you will understand why she do that. Yes, I admit at first that when this rumor came out I feel disapoint because my ultimate bias is dating and when I search who is the girl I found out that she have a bad image(?) because I found she do the dating rumors about BIGBANG GD and her and many people state that they are not dating. So I nervous if she wants to ruined L career or she wants some attention. Yes, I admit it the I hate her and I don’t like her for L but I’m just a fan and I have nothing to do about that. So I accept the fact that L wants a normal life even he is a celebrety. Love and support them not bash them or saying bad thing to them. And some immature INSPIRIT must be happy because they not together anymore.
Some fans treat their own bias like they own it. And when they heard some news that their bias dating or have a girlfriend or boyfriend they going burts out all their hardship they done to him or her. You didn’t think how difficult for them to train when they become a star and an idol? And when they become an idol their agency won’t agree about dating blah blah and they have no time for that because of their hectic busy schedule. And now when your bias date or have a girlfriend or boyfreind you, their fans are firts to bash them and left them. Why did you own them to react like that? Some fans do SUPER BASH or some fans left their fandom or do some ridiculuos stuff >< Remember they don’t even know us. We never own them. We never be their girlfriend or boyfreind. Even it is hurt we only fans. We only support them. We only understand them. We only just their friend to lean on when they have problems. WE, FANS SHOULD SUPPORT THEM NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN BECAUSE FROM THE START SINCE THEY DEBUT WE PROMISE TO OURSELF WE NEVER LEFT OUR FANDOM TT__________________________________TT
I don’t hate Woolim Entertainment or L even if they hide this thing. I’m still a INSPIRIT and a eLement. I accepted the fact that no matter what happened L will meet or date other girl. I was just his fan. I care. I love. I understand. I believe. Thats all fans can do to be. I want L to be happy anyway he really really deserved to be happy. If someday L have a dating relationship I understand him and his decission. I want L happy not to see him hurt and recieving hate from the others because if L hurt I’m the most people being hurt. As a true INSPIRIT and eLement I will be forever here to support and understand you even we were apart I will always trust you.
TT^TT I feel sorry about L because he only thinks the feelings of his fans and care for them but his fellow fans left him to this serious situation. L never lied to INSPIRITS and to eLement to US but some of immature fans kept bashing him. Dating is not crime. Why his fans didn’t understand him? L wants to be happy. I’m so proud being a INSPIRIT and I will support them no matter what! TT^TT
I’m really hurt because INSPIRIT is my first fandom and L is my ULTIMATE BIAS so I’m really hurt when they say bad things about L.
#ISupportMyungsoo#kim myungsoo#inspirit
10 notes
oh shut up you
if you were a true inspirit you would support Myungsoo no matter what. He truly cares for his fans and wants nothing more than to treat them like they’re special, so why act in that kind of manner? I feel disgusted whenever I see your stupid comments and am ashamed to think you were one of us.
okay, meat and chocolate may not be the best combination but maybe her odd eating habits is what he finds interesting about her and I think we should all respect his decision and support him instead of leaving home and giving hate that could end up seriously damaging someone.
My only request is that you see myungsoo as a human with a life and not your personal puppet on strings.