1 Bottom of Page 2. ‘ the electrical system & wiring for the........ are provided by the buyer’ is this so? I can see we might provide the power ie the electricity but surely they should install and connect the system up?
2 Page 3 Clause 3.1 last para. This is rather odd! OK then there needs to be large warning notices in appropriate places saying ....SWITCH OFF........!
3 Page 3 Clause 3.2 c Should this say ‘cooling tower water’
Point d we felt this should say collection of chilled and condenser water....?
There is no mention of the supply of chemicals etc
The last sentence is the wrong way round? The seller will collate the above information and provide this to the buyer.
4 Page 3 Clause 3.3 c Once a year. Not sure what this means the actual work clearly should be done more frequently.
Point d we would prefer the word total in front of hardness. And add total dissolved solids and phosphonates
5 Page 4 Clause 4.1 last para we can see condenser cleaning but no mention of chillers
6 Page 5 Our pH range is 6.5 to 7.5.and alkalinity 200.
7 Page 6 Clause 4.5 The numbers 5 and 6 are rather strange?
Point 5? This should go into your signalling system ( if you agree to it) 60 days notice to get rid of them at the end of the contract.!
Point 6 is rather harsh!
Maybe you should tighten up on the performance clause... 30 days notice? What happens if they sell?
You may wish to ask for clarification re the above.
Also agree reinstate and some form of licence for the installation.