In this study, Views on the Nature of Science Questionnaires (VNOS-B, C) (Abd-El-
Khalick & Lederman, 2000b) were used to have a modified questionnaire to assess PSTs
conceptions. Three more questions, which are item 6, item 9, and item10, were added to original
items from VNOS questionaries. Item 6 is related to the tentative characteristic of scientific
knowledge. Item 9 was asked to investigate participants’ conceptions about the inventive
characteristic of scientific knowledge. Item 10 investigated understandings about technology and
the interactions between science and technology. However, the original VNOS questionnaires
include items, which are related to different aspects of the tentativeness and creativity in science
(Lederman, Wade, & Bell, 1998). There was not any direct item asked about the tentativeness of
both scientific theories and laws, and inventive aspect of science. Furthermore, there is no item
in original VNOS to assess conceptions about technology, or the relationship between science
and technology, as well as their functions. The modified VNOS questionnaire was presented in
Appendix A. Table 1, which shows directly related NOS aspects and items on the questionnaire
in this study, presented in the following: