How interesting!” Wren said as he slipped his hand over the top of John's thigh. John waited a beat before covering Wren's hand with his own. So this is how it was going to be. The house lights dimmed lower and a voice came over the PA with announcements about the fundraiser auction that would take place at intermission. After that the auditorium went dark. The curtain rose.
They sat like that in the dark for nearly an hour as Act One played out on-stage. John sank down in the comfortable seat, legs splayed wide, waiting for Wren to make the next move. Wren's fingertips teased down along John's inseam, John traced long thumb sweeps over the backs of Wren's fingers. When the curtain finally closed and the lights came up to signal the first intermission, Miss May stood immediately. “Excuse me, Mr. Wren, Mr. Wiley.”
Both men stood to let her pass and John used the quick distraction to locate Kara first, then the other two operatives working with May.