2) What is the comparison between principals’ attitude toward agility as a
factor in school success and the reported implementation of agility in
Pennsylvania schools?
3a) What is the relationship between school level of Pennsylvania principals
(elementary, middle, and high) and the acceptance of agility as means
toward educational success?
3b) What is the relationship between school level of Pennsylvania principals
(elementary, middle, and high) and the implementation of agile practice?
4a) What is the relationship between acceptance of agility as means toward
educational success and the variables school type (public versus private),
socioeconomic status of school community (as measured by the percent of
students enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program), and principals’
tenure in the current position?
4b) What is the relationship between the implementation of agile practice and
the variables school type (public versus private), socioeconomic status of
school community (as measured by the percent of students enrolled in the
free and reduced lunch program), and principals’ tenure in the current
Limitations o f the Study
This study was limited by a number of factors. First, the design of the instrument
used to identify the critical components of an agile educational system needs to be valid.