How are you doing over there? I believe you are good and fine because i have always pray for us. I thank God for our life and our family. Honey i swear by the moon and the stars to love you forever and never to let you go. I see the questions in your eyes. I know what's weighing on your mind . You can be sure I know my part. I just wish you are beside me for all time. Cause I'll stand beside you through the years, You'll only cry those happy tears And though I make mistakes,I'll never break your heart honey.
My whole life is yours honey, I thank God I found you and i would like you to know that..love is meant to be for all time and Our love is true, so true. Our love was made special from God full of love, I close my eyes, and then i learn to see once you came into my life. Honey i can’t stop thinking about your amazing smile. Thanks for making me fell alive again. Honey you have honestly wiped my tears, and wiped that sadness inside. Love was just a word...until you came in, and gave it a definition and the real meaning of love. I love you honey.