Therefore, this
research was motivated by the interest to find out concrete
numbers of existing EMS at the campus, the drivers for their
implementation and to compare top-down versus participatory
implementation approaches that would allow discussing their
impact on the five dimensions of a university system described
above. It was chosen to focus on the European academic landscape
only, in order to be able to make a more profound comparison of
regional differences than it would have been on a global scale.
The research objectives led to the following main research
(1) What is the current state of EMS implementation processes and
practices at European universities?
(2) Which are the main drivers to implement an EMS?
(3) How have the EMS been implemented and how have students
and staff been involved in the process?
(4) Which measurement and reporting tools have been used?
(5) How can these processes and practices be developed further
and which implications exist for the professional practice?