St.Patrick was born in Scotland or that it is possible is Wales UK. A 13th year BCE Maewyn Succat 370 original name Calpurnius and Conchessa, parents of indigenous people as Maewyn Succat switch descent who live in England.
In the early teens and has sent Maewyn was slavery in Ireland sent the outline to Bishops at a church. During that time, Maewyn. learn and absorb the subject of religion. Inserts passionate religious education is Maewyn intended to sail out of Ireland. They were cruising along the coast of Ireland into the far distance over 100 miles until it reaches the coast of England.
When it comes to the UK, Maewyn continues to follow his intentions by publishing. Full range of him. They have spoken about the dreams of a man called Victoricus about layout, who come together when the layout is that Ireland, with one letter. And this is what is written in the memo Maewyn ...
"When the first time I have read the letter that chaban. I heard the sound of harps at the same time. It claims that "we all three are here, please take me."
Afterward, Maewyn travel to Ireland because the people didn't accept this belief that too much. They traveled to France, and was ordained as a priest, and then renamed themselves as Patrick (meaning in Latin translates to "father of the public), since then the pastor Patrick used the 3 leaves from the Shannon Suite-maro (Ireland's national tree) to describe the instruction given to the Christian people to subject portions of 3 components: the father, son and holy spirit.
After the death of Bishop Patrick has been established as a Saint. Every March 17, the anniversary date of the death of St.Patrick every year. There are parades and costume with green clothes compared the agents chat with maro.