Though the modernist vision stems from radical changes in science ,art, and planning, these were foreshadowed by conditions within urban and industrial landscapes during the nineteenth century that compelled farsighted individuals to propose plans for improved environmental quality. These proposals attempted to respond to cultural and economic changes in urban areas - and especially to living conditions in industrial neighborhoods, viewed by many as inimical to social justice. For instance, we noted earlier that socially inspired planning appeared in Great Britain with Robert Owen, followed by the largesse of conscientious industrialists, and culminating in Ebenezer Howard's Garden City schemes in the early twentieth century. Concern for social and environmental improvement increased as revolutionary fervor rose in Russia and parts of Europe, and a series of events began that for many European states involved the assimilation of socialist concepts into established political theories. In most instances, these concepts evolved from the thoughts of nineteenth-century radical socialists, including Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who sought to challenge capitalist authority over social policy. For example, Engels, in his The Condition of the working the Working Class in England in 1844, focused on the neglect of the working poor in industrial centers. Marx strove give socialism a scientific basis, and to shift the fruits of production from the industrialist to the wage-earner. Marx and Engels’ publication, the Communist Manifesto (1848), fueled a drive to dismantle the prevailing social order, which has had far-reaching, and sometimes cataclysmic, consequences in Europe throughout the twentieth century. In the most extreme case, the Russian Revolution completely overthrew the old aristocratic order, instigating authoritarian state control of social, economic, and physical planning. In less extreme case-for example, Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy-political change produced a synthesis of democratic and socialist ideals.