computer related crimes are on the rise. Some examples of such crimes include theft of information systems, piracy, forgery, and distribution of banned texts or images. Crimes also include vandalism and terrorism of infrastructure and content. Eavesdropping is also a common crime. These offenses are typically anonymous. The crimes are also rapid, global, and untraceable. Oceans likely separate the victim and criminals. The word "victim" and "criminal" themselves can mean different things as global definitions of digital crimes vary.
computer-related crime can be divided into two categories of victims who are targeted. Most media attention focuses on consumer crimes. There are many techniques criminals can use to garther information. Personal information, such as passwords or social security nunbers, is sought in identity theft. Criminals create false credit or access the victims' accounts. This is now the largest and fastest growing type of crime against people. Estimates of worldwide damages are in the trillions of dollars. Criminals can also use stolen computer access to commit other crimes. Invading a network or sending spam email from a victim's computer are some examples.