treating wastewater with low concentration of heavy metals
[2]–[4]. Therefore, alternative method has been attempted
using low cost materials such as chicken eggshell to remove
heavy metals by a simple adsorption process. Chicken eggshell
can be used to adsorb heavy metal in wastewater due to its
calcium carbonate content which is responsible for metal
adsorption [5]. This alternative method will not produce
chemical sludge, hence no secondary pollution and it is more
efficient and easy to operate compared to other methods [1].
The objectives of this project are to study the effects of
different operating parameters including pH, agitation rate and
contact time on the adsorption efficiency of Cu(II) from water
by chicken eggshell. Besides, the present study is also aimed
to evaluate the equilibrium of adsorption process using
Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Meanwhile, the kinetics of
Cu(II) adsorption on chicken eggshell will also be analyzed
using different models including the pseudo-first-order and
pseudo-second-order kinetic models.