This study discusses the results of a 7-week microcosm experiment,
monitoring and evaluating the effects of three biochars produced from
various feedstocks and of the combined biochar-fertilizer and biocharcompost
treatments on the physical, chemical, biological and ecotoxicological
characteristics of a typical acidic sandy soil in Hungary, prior to
field experiments.
Biochar has been extensively investigated due to its many potentially
advantageous properties which make it suitable for soil amendment.
Biochars applied as soil ameliorant to the studied acidic sandy soil, can
improve soil physicochemical properties, change nutrient availability,
and assist in providing a good soil habitat for plants and soil living animals.
However the amendment mechanisms following biochar addition
may differ according to biochar and soil type, therefore it has to be investigated
on a “char by char” basis.
The integrated, complex monitoring applied in the microcosm study
prior to field experiments contributes to the understanding of the effects
of biochar on acidic sandy soil.
The results of the combined assessment demonstrate that the application
of 0.5% A1 biochar (from grain husks and paper fibre sludge feedstock)
combined with compost was the most favourable treatment. 0.5%
A1 biochar combined with NPK and 1% A1 biochar has also beneficial
effects on the physico-chemical characteristics of the tested acidic sandy
soil and improves the soil habitat for plants and springtail and can be
recommended for field application.