Task concerns
-Plans and defines work to be done.
-Assigns task responsibilities.
-sets clear work standards.
-Urges task completion.
-Monitors performance results.
People concerns
-Acts warm and supportive toward followers.
Develops social rapport with followers.
-Respects the felling of followers.
-Is sensitive to followers's needs.
-Shows trust in followers.
Classic leadership style
Autocratic style
-emphasizes task over people.
Human relations style
-Emphasizes people over task.
Laissez-faire style
-Shows little concern for task.
Democratic style
-Committed to task and people.
Fiedler's Contingency Model
-Good leadership depends on a match between leadership and situational demands
-Determining leadership style:
-task motivated leaders
High LPC
-relationship-motivated leaders
-leadership is part of one's personality,and therefore relatively enduring and difficult to change.
-leadership style must be fit to the situation.