How did science and technology help improve quality of life and standard of living?
Presently, we are living in 21st century where science and technology are given a first preference.In todays world every person want to become a successful person for that man took the help of the new inventions which is being invented by man himself which is known as the New science and technology of 21st century.These new inventions i,e the new discoveries in science and advanced technology changed the lives of the man.First man invented computer which took man into new heights,after that new softwares are invented through that man improved the industrial sector,education sector,health sector etc.Man improved the way of living by the use of this technology,within few seconds he can keep in touch with the whole world through the use of internet.On internet within few seconds we get to know everything,what is happening in the world,which improved the lives of the humanbeings mean while at the sametime new discoveries in science changed the lives of the people.People became aware of the ill effects of the diseases and started taking the precautions against the diseases.Now-a-days every person has a knowledge about the happenings of the world because of the science and technology .