adult chickens infected with Salmonella Pullorum are inapparent
carriers that can only be detected by serology or bacteriological
testing (22). Salmonella Pullorum is adapted to chickens and the last
report of pullorum disease in ducks was published over 40 yr ago
(1963). Original reports documenting infection of rats by Salmonella
Pullorum are difficult to find. The outbreak reported in this paper is
unusual because of septicemic lesions and mortality in adult
chickens, evidence for transmission of this disease from chickens
to ducks, and isolation of Salmonella Pullorum from wild rats. In
addition, procedures used for a Flock CleanupPlan—manure and
feed disposal, environmental monitoring, and biological monitoring
to ensure elimination of the causative bacteria from a premises—are
described in detail.
Two outbreaks of