Australia maintains its 17th place
overall GII rank and 10th place rank
in the Input Sub-Index from 2014.
It also maintains its top 10 rankings
in three pillars: Human capital and
research (9th), Infrastructure (4th),
and Market sophistication (9th).
It improves by three places in the
Infrastructure pillar across two subpillars:
ICTs (7th) and Ecological
sustainability (27th). It also improves
in Business sophistication by three
places to 23rd, as a result of improvements
made in two sub-pillars:
Knowledge workers and Innovation
linkages. In relation to innovation
outputs, Australia also improved in
Creative outputs by five places to 7th
place, with improvements within all
three sub-pillars. Australia’s main
falls take place in Human capital
and research (down two places) and
Knowledge and technology outputs
(down eight places).