Table 9 illustrates that Route 5 is the most suitable fit for the
variables in Factor 5. Route 1 requires 8.44 km2 of lands that are
above 3.5% slope, whereas Route 5 consumes 3.98 km2 for the same
category. In terms of the Vegetation variable, Route 1 demands
11.08 km2 of Forest or Shrubs, when Route 5 only consumes
5.37 km2. Finally, Route 3 impinges upon 12.17 km2 of farmlands
with employment greater than 860 and Route 2 hinders the operation
of 10.61 km2 of productive farms. This is substantive, as Route
5 only requires 6.06 km2 for the same category. If productive
farmland is considered the key measure, this difference becomes a
critical factor.
Table 9 illustrates that Route 5 is the most suitable fit for thevariables in Factor 5. Route 1 requires 8.44 km2 of lands that areabove 3.5% slope, whereas Route 5 consumes 3.98 km2 for the samecategory. In terms of the Vegetation variable, Route 1 demands11.08 km2 of Forest or Shrubs, when Route 5 only consumes5.37 km2. Finally, Route 3 impinges upon 12.17 km2 of farmlandswith employment greater than 860 and Route 2 hinders the operationof 10.61 km2 of productive farms. This is substantive, as Route5 only requires 6.06 km2 for the same category. If productivefarmland is considered the key measure, this difference becomes acritical factor.
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