result), dry dipterocarp was ranked fist, followed by dry evergreen
and mixed deciduous, but the difference between each
rankings was not significant.
The results for the slope and stream habitat classes were
more conclusive; low gradient and stream areas seem to be
important landscape features for leopards when choosing a
home range. This result is consistent with the findings of
Ngoprasert et al. (2007) who found that leopard use of habitat
was greater closer to streams. Within home ranges leopards
also selected low gradient areas but did not show any preference
to stream habitat. However, stream and slope class are
probably correlated to some degree so these results should
not be considered as totally independent.
In general, analysis of the pooled data correctly identified
selected habitat types identified by the seasonal data.
However, for second order wet season selection, mixed deciduous
and dry evergreen were correctly identified as important
but were ranked differently. For third order selection of vegetation,
the pooled data failed to identify the wet season selection
but, as noted before, this result was not conclusive