Beloved Ones,
We are strongly feeling the intense energies from the 11/11 Portal together with a wonderful and potent New Moon at 19 degreees Scorpio that will help us to move inward and activate the frequency of unification and Divine remembrance that these numbers represent. As you know, everything is created from within and taking the time to descend into the depths of our being and bring all these revelations and guidance into our physical self is the message that these 11/11 numbers, month and New Moon is sending us at this time. We already feel this, as the macrocosm is just reflecting our microcosm and viceversa, we just have to tune in to our Divine Essence to be fully aware of all that is taking place, not in the physical, but in our inner realms, and that will reveal all we need to embrace and accept at this time.
To help us stabilize these new updates, we also have Venus already in Libra and Mars moving into this same sign on November 12th which is going to assist us with the integration process, remember that after the embodiment of these new energies it is pivotal to create the proper equilibrium within ourselves and into our physical bodies so we can properly internalize these new codes, as our physical body has to adjust itself again to a less dense frequency and it needs resting and the required balance to embrace a new state of being. It is indeed a time to move inward and align with our Higher Self to remember that we open "portals" and activate from within, we no longer expect anything to happen from the outside, because as ascending souls, we already know that everything is originated within the depths of our being and that the external world is just an outer representation of that which was first created in the inside.
The revealing New Moon in Scorpio is a perfect synchronized message from the cosmos to begin this new cycle by merging with our souls and start creating unified outcomes that will serve All. Scorpio opens an inner doorway to all this hidden feelings that we need to bring into the light for what they are and accept them as equals and not just as mere shadows that our human self does not want to look at and therefore denies. It is a magical, intuitive and passionate New Moon to feel the heat of the Light that we all hold within and illuminate our outer world with it, bringing soul wisdom into our journey and more clarity that as always, can only come from the inside. All the self-healing and purification that we do at this time will affect the whole and it will clear the path for us to receive new visions about the next steps of our journey as well as to help the collective in theirs.
When we talk about the 11/11 portal and even more happening at the same time that the New Moon in Scorpio, we are referring to the translation and later embodiment of a higher frequency that will allow us to go deeper into our self-mastery and soul remembrance. We are mastering our human self to release its polarize view of all things, we are teaching it so it can recall its true nature and purpose at a time in which we are navigating between worlds/dimensions, and it is essential for us to bring into our physical beings all this inner visions that we are receiving, as it is our soul whispering to us what we are meant to share in this new stage. These energies are not only poured to us for just one day, these energies are always there for us to raise our frequency and align ourselves with them. It is not that we should wait to receive that which is already there for us to anchor into our physical realm, it is in ourselves the responsibility and conscious choice of integrating these new waves with a pure intention to assist All.
Numbers are made of frequency, which is light (information) therefore when we attuned our physical vehicles, always starting from within, to this new light, we are preparing ourselves to internalize and radiate it to others. It is all a process of ascending so we can embody these higher energies for later descending them into our physical realm, which is the main message that the numbers 11/11 carry within. As ascending souls, we already know that it is not about anchoring from the outside, but from the inside out, so when we talk about numbers or any other frequency that we wish to integrate, we know that we have to create it from inside ourselves and it is then that the cosmos will send us this same vibration and not the other way around.
It is a wonderful time for healing, releasing and purification, as the New Moon trine Chiron, the Wounded Healer, at the same time that together with the Sun makes a conjunction with Mercury. We are blessed to receive this healing cosmic energy so we can heal ourselves from a mental and emotional Plane leaving behind more old programs and replacing them with new and higher ones that resonates with our current path. It is a time to act from within instead of wanting to do things in our physical plane without the proper understanding of what we are about to give birth. It is a perfect moment to turn our attention inward and ask ourselves if we are we communicating with integrity, love and compassion towards ourselves and others or if we still tend to separate our true feelings from our actions. A good time to express our hearts within Divine Love, remembering that it always begins by talking to ourselves with kindness and compassion as otherwise we could not extend these loving feelings to others.
These cosmic alignments together with the regenerative Scorpion energy give us the message that we are moving towards unification and that can only happen when we start embracing, accepting and healing that which is still fragmented from within ourselves. It is essential that we realize that there is nothing from the outside that is coming to save us, we are our own healers, saviors and own masters and it is time that we start releasing this old sense of certain energy being poured to us in a specific day and begin to understand that the cosmos is only reflecting what is already occurring in our inner realms. Sometimes we become aware when we see it manifested in outside forces, others, there is no need to, as we are already feeling it from within.
Another important aspect of this New Moon is that it makes a sextile to Jupiter in Virgo. This is asking you to trust in the Divine, you have done the inner work, if not, it is the perfect time to keep releasing and healing under the light of this healing water sign together with purifier Virgo that reminds us the important of self-healing to be able to assist All. You have conquered the inner shadows, realizing that it was nothing to fear but to understand, as you can always illuminate what is hidden with the proper knowledge. Now, you are asked to have faith in the inner spark that reigns your life even if you are not conscious of it all and trust that it will lead you into the right direction.
You are invited to have faith in all the inner visions you have been receiving and that all is and will be occurring at Divine Timing and for the highest good of All. Jupiter expands your new beginnings with grace and kindness, it is your task to align with this loving energy to generate the outcomes that your soul desire to manifest. This is a gift from the cosmos, we just have to be aware of all the signs that the universe always sends to us at every single moment and let things flow instead of fomenting our human tendency to control the conditions, knowing that we are always blessed beyond measure and that no matter if we see it already or not in our reality, things are always working out for us in wondrous ways.
But of course this New Moon could not be free of challenges (opportunities) for us to keep mastering the self in the art of freeing ourselves from more restrictive old patterns, and for that we have this New Moon quincunx to Uranus in Aries. Uranus is always expanding its consciousness, it likes to discover new horizons by creating the necessary changes and means to do so, it never stops destroying old worlds to create new ones. On the contrary, Scorpio prefers to stay fixed on an idea and develops it untill the end. Scorpio navigates in the depths waters of our being but it does not accept much change as Uranus. Our challenge is to move out of our limited thoughts and beliefs and start manifesting a flexible reality, as humans, we do not like change, we tend to cling into the familiar, but we can always disengage ourselves from old chains and start anew, knowing that change is what brings true growth and expansion and that without it we will never be open to what life truly has to offer.
At the New Moon time, we have Venus, The Planet of Love and Abundance, already in Libra since November 8th. Venus in earthly Virgo was all about sharing and expressing the love that we are into our human plane, it helped us to open our hearts and brings this Divine Love into ourselves and physical world. Venus in Virgo reminded us the feeling of love for All things instead of just finding love for the self and therefore creating more separation. Venus in the sign of Libra now brings balance and harmony to the self and into all aspects of our lives. After realizing the things we should be treated with unconditional love, Venus invites us now to create more balance not only in all aspects of our own selves but also into our relationships. It is important to find new soul mates that assist us in our current path, but it is equally important to set a balance between the time we spend with them and with our own selves, remember that this feeling of Divine Love and wholeness is always within, as well as to evaluate if we are sacrificing who we are in order to be with others or if we are honoring our sacred space first. It is all about listening to our feelings and see if we are putting too much in one extreme of the balance but not in the other and creating more harmony that will unify both poles.