Branches or fine lines rising from the line of Apollo will increase the good effect of the line, and when seen on a good line will make the success of the subject more certain. Their life seems buoyant enough to rise over obstacles that may get in its way, and thus they floats over the top of difficulty instead of being dragged under by it.
Fine lines falling from the line indicate that the subject will need greater and more constant effort to achieve success. They will have an up-hill pull, and there will be times when the load gets very heavy. They do not over come obstacles easily, and such a line bears no such promise of a brilliant life as when the branches rise.
Branches which leave the Apollo line and run to other lines, signs, or Mounts, will each have a special meaning, which is to be read from the place where they terminate.
- A rising branch going to the Mount of Jupiter will show that, coupled with great talent, the subject has strong ambition and the power of leadership. With this combination they will be successful, and is sure to win fame if they do not secure wealth.
- If in addition a star be seen on the Mount of Jupiter the ambition will be crowned with success.
- If a star be also seen on the Mount of Apollo (466), they are certain to achieve great renown.
- If such a marking be seen, the Chirognomic indications should at once be studied. A soft hand, large Mount of Venus, and conic tips will make them a musician. They will love melody best and those gay, tuneful compositions which appeal to the heart and move the feet.
- If a large Mount of Moon be added he will also love classical music.
- If the fingers be square he will have rhythm and metre, and compose well.
- If the tips be spatulate he will have the power of execution and be a brilliant performer.
- If the fingers be square and the tips spatulate, he will be a composer and performer as well. These are in the artistic world.
- If the practical world rules, he will be a great money-maker, will lead the business community wherever he lives, and attain celebrity in this direction. With the lower world predominating, he will be a money-maker, but loud, and coarse, and will dress and live with vulgar display.
-If a branch from the Apollo line rises to the Mount of Saturn, wisdom, soberness, frugality, a scientific turn of mind, and the balancing qualities of Saturn will increase the success of the subject. With this combination, if their mental world predominates, they will excel in occult sciences, chemistry, physics, or mathematics.
- If their fingers be smooth he will be guided by inspiration in these matters; if with knotty joints he will be the reasoner and calculator; square finger will give him great exactness, and spatulate tips originality. This Apollonian-Saturnian will not be led by
traditions, but will think for himself. All of these faculties will increase the certainty of their success and fame.
- If a star is seen on the branch to Saturn, the qualities of that Mount will bring great success. If in addition a star be seen on the Mount of Apollo (467), the success of the subject is more certain.
- If the practical world rules, the subject will gain wealth as well as fame from his efforts, and if the lower world be strong, he will be economical, frugal, and even stingy. If the thumb be stiff this will be more certain.
- If with this marking the hand be bad, the subject will be most successful in their meanness.
- If crosses, bars, dots, or other defects terminate the lines, the subject will be unsuccessful and will lose instead of gaining reputation.
- If the lines have sister lines on the Mounts, they will have the greatest success (468).
- If the lines should not reach the Mounts, and on the Mounts are seen many vertical lines, the subject will fail of ultimate success by reason of too great a diversity of effort (469).
- If a branch from the line of Apollo rises to the Mount of Mercury the qualities of that Mount will come to the assistance of the subject. They will have shrewdness, business abilities, a scientific turn of mind, and great powers of expression, in addition to all the train of Apollonian brilliancies, and will achieve distinguished success in some direction.
- If the mental world rules, this Apollonian-Mercurian will have fluency of expression, and make a successful author, writer, or speaker on any subject which he may study. If their fingers and tips be square he will choose common-sense, practical subjects. If conic or pointed, artistic or idealistic matters will be chosen. If spatulate they will be original in their ideas and methods of expression, and if the fingers be smooth will depend upon inspiration. If his fingers be knotty he will have everything cut and dried, prepared in advance, and a reason for everything on the end of his tongue.
If their fingers be long they will go into the detail, but if short, they will reach their climaxes and conclusions quickly.
- If the hand be elastic they will love to work, and will accomplish much, but if soft, the subject will do more thinking than executing.
- If the second phalanx of Mercury be long he will make a good doctor, especially if vertical lines be seen on the mount of Mercury, or he may be a good lawyer and bring to bear in the pleading of his cases forensic ability from both the Apollonian and the Mercurian types. They will be studious, ingenious, and love scientific investigations. With every subject bring to bear all the Chirognomic indications in such cases; thus you can tell from what standpoint every act will be executed.
- If with the subject marked as No. 470, the third phalanx of the Mercury finger is longest, they will be devoted to business, shrewd, calculating, keen, and hard to beat. They know fellow men thoroughly, read character easily, and understand a good business proposition when its is presented. Spatulate tips will make him original, square tips great regularity and system, elastic consistency will give him the power to do and to accomplish, and a large thumb the determination to use his powers. Such a combination is an indication of great success and wealth.
-If stars be seen on the Mounts of Apollo and Mercury (470), the success is intensified; if crosses, dots, bars, or other defects, the subject will make costly mistakes. If with this marking the Mercury finger be crooked or twisted, or both, the subject may use his brilliant talents to get the best of people.
-If a branch from the Apollo line rises to the Mount of Mars (471), the subject will have added to his Apollonian character the sterling qualities of Mars. Thus he will be self-reliant, able to defend himself, not easily discouraged, and if necessary will force his way through the world. If he be a mental type of subject, he will use these physical qualities to strengthen his mental ability. If a material subject he will use his talents in the business world or he will be a soldier. If the latter he will win renown.
- If crosses, dots, bars or other defects be seen on the Mounts of Apollo and Mars, the subject will have trials hard to overcome.
-If sister lines run beside the line on the Mount of Mars, the subject will have added renown.
-If a branch from the Apollo line comes from the Mount of Moon (472) the subject will have the power of imagination, the ability to paint word pictures, and a good power of expression. As an author they will be successful.
- If the hand be a musical one they will love only the classic form.
- If the fingers be smooth and tips conic, they will be an inspired writer and will deal in romance and poetry of a romantic character.
- If the fingers be knotty, he will write prose, and if at all poetic will incline to the epic form.
- If a star be seen on the end of the Apollo line the subject will achieve great renown from these spheres of action.
- If crosses, bars, dots, or other defects end the line, he will make errors which will interfere with his reputation.