3.2 Variables
(1) KM Enablers
Knowledge management enablers can be classified according to a socio-technical theory. Socio-technical theory
assumes that an organization or an organization work system can be described as a social-technical perspective [7].
According to this perspective, we can identify that enablers are made up of two jointly independent but correlative
interacting systems. The technical system is concerned with processes, tasks, and technology. The social system is
concerned with attributes of people, relationships among people, reward systems, and authority structures.
Organizational structure, organizational culture, and people are considered as a social system, and information
technology is considered as a technical system in this study.
(2) KM Processes
Many researches identify knowledge management processes [13, 31, 46]. Choi and Lee [8] proposed knowledge
management processes which consist of creation, sharing, store, use on the basis of their comparative study. Lai and Chu [26]
divided knowledge management processes into initiation, generation, modeling, repository, distribution and transfer, use, and
retrospect. Most studies on knowledge management involve knowledge creation process and organizational capability. That is
because knowledge creation is gaining attention as a potential source of competitive advantage for firm operating in today's
global marketplace [33]. Therefore we focus on knowledge creation process among knowledge management processes.
Nonaka et al. [33] constructed a measuring tool which could measure four knowledge conversion processes. In this study,
Nonaka et al's construction is used. It is more effective for measuring knowledge creation process than a number of ideas or
the degree of satisfaction with creation processes.