Fixed an issue that resulted in our players being unable to load their
household after installing the 12/16 patch, and instead being bounced
back to the neighborhood map. The community was very helpful in
identifying this issue (providing feedback and save files), thank you!
* Fixed an issue where the game would become unresponsive on load if the
player had a large number of households, rooms, and lots in their My
Library sort.
* Sim fertility levels had reached an all-time high recently, and twins
were popping out all over! Our specialists have examined the issue,
and administered a correction to the abundant babies. Sims should no
longer find they are having twins (or triplets) at an alarming rate.
* Fixed an issue that prevented career progress from properly tracking
the Sims skill progression towards career goals.
* Working out on workout equipment will no longer count towards the play
chess daily goal for the Astronaut career.
* We fixed an issue that was a result of this: let’s say you had a Sim,
we’ll call him Joe, and he lived in a household, say the Smiths, and you
uploaded Joe, also known as Joe Smith, to the Gallery, and then you
decided to add Joe to the Jones’ household by downloading him from the
Gallery, thus now creating Joe Jones, and then you edited Joe Jones in
Create a Sim, this would also modify Joe Smith.
* The "In Need of a Break" buff is no longer in need of a break, and now
correctly displays its information in the hover tip.
* Zest Johnny will henceforth be known as… Johnny Zest!
* Fixed an issue that could result in “bad things” when attempting to merge
a Sim from the gallery into a household that already has a copy of
that Sim in it.
* Fixed an issue that could result in “bad things” when attempting to merge
a household from the gallery into a household that already has a copy of
that household in it.
* We however failed to fix the repetitive nature of some of our release notes.
* The Venue Wall Speaker: Spooky has made a return to the catalog after
spending some time on the ‘other side’ to re-spookify itself.
* Lots placed from the gallery that have used the move objects cheat will
no longer delete their moo’d objects when the lot is placed.
* The National Park venue now has tuning associated with it… so Sims who
show up will know they can leave, rather than lingering around indefinitely,
wandering aimlessly with no apparent purpose, direction, or desire (they
could have at least played music…).
* Fixed an issue that was preventing the user from uploading multiple rooms
to the gallery if the rooms were uploaded consecutively.
UI / Text
* Fixed an interface focus issue where the eyedropper tooltip was preventing
the eyedropper from properly functioning.
* Fixed an issue that occurred when opening a modal window on top of an open
inventory stack, which would cause the stack to fail to correctly display.
* Modal window is a piece of UI that requires input before the player can
return to normal gameplay.
* UI is an abbreviation for User Interface.
* User is another name for the player, the individual for whom the software
was intended.
* Software, as opposed to hardware, is the set of instructions that direct a
computer to perform specific operations.
* Text will no longer overlap itself in the phone menu if the text string is
too long.
* You can once again add a description to your Rooms and Lots that you upload
to the gallery, rather than using the comment field… which was ingenious!
* You will no longer be told twice that you can take Family Leave if there
is more than one eligible Sim.