01:14:58:Listen, you've to stay here for a while, ok?
01:15:02:We'll come back and get you,|promised. Go nowhere.
01:15:06:Behave calmly.|Be very quite, ok?
01:15:12:Nothing's gonna happen to me.
01:15:52:Climb up on me.|- I can't.
01:15:55:Sure you can.
01:16:00:Give me your hand.
01:16:04:No. No.|- No. Sam. Sam.
01:16:16:Oh god.
01:16:49:So you want to play huh?
01:16:57:If you don't leave this room,|it is unsure what happens with Sam.
01:17:51:What do you want?|Who are you?
01:18:00:I'm whoever you want,|that I am.
01:18:07:Oh, you silly girl.
01:18:10:If you'd just knew who your friend|Sammy really is.
01:18:13:Then we wouldn't have this|entertainment surely.
01:18:17:I know who he is.|Who are you?
01:18:21:Damn it, I have so many names.
01:18:24:Let's just say I'm a collector,|and today was a very good day.
01:18:34:Oh, your soul|smells absolutely delicious.
01:18:39:Fuck you.|- Uh. That would please you, what?
01:18:45:Then you could kill a further life,
01:18:51:growing up in you.
01:19:04:I could spend the entire day with talking to you,
01:19:07:but I won't let Sammy|wait.
01:19:20:Sam.|Sam. Are you ok?
01:19:24:Go. Let me here.|- Be quiet. I won't leave you here.
01:19:40:How the idiom says. It's funny until someone loses an eye.
01:19:55:What are you doing? What do you want?|I do everything, but please stop.
01:20:01:Please.|- Who you wish.
01:20:13:Why are you doing this to us?
01:20:21:Why I do that to you?
01:20:28:The question is, why do|you do that to yourself?
01:20:34:I'm barely more that a tool|all this, my child.
01:20:39:An observer, if you want.
01:20:42:Well, maybe something|more than an observer.
01:20:47:I take influence,|inspire, motivate.
01:20:51:You manipulate, you mean.
01:20:53:Oh well.|It's not about me, right?
01:21:12:Did you tell it to her already, Sammy?
01:21:16:Told what?|- Not, of course not.
01:21:20:Have you ever stopped to think about|that night, Sam?
01:21:26:No. Of course not.
01:21:30:Do you have the habit|to let nobody in your life.
01:21:34:Those who are affected by your|deeds.
01:21:41:Does your self-pity prevents|that you care about that, Sam?
01:21:50:Let's talk about|people in the other car.
01:21:56:What he's talking about?
01:22:04:Who the hell are you?|- No. No. No.
01:22:08:Not who the hell I am.
01:22:15:What would she do,|if she knew,
01:22:19:that you were the wanker,|who killed her husband?
01:22:34:Jason ? Jason.|Wake up, Jason.
01:22:40:Oh. Yes.
01:22:44:I'm afraid that's the|sad, uncomfortable truth.
01:23:04:The truth will set you free, my mate.
01:23:13:Oh yes, my love.
01:23:17:In front of you is sitting the man who,|has ruined your sad life.
01:23:22:The man who has taken you everything.
01:23:26:You might hate him,|for what he has done to you.
01:23:31:It must eat you from inside.
01:23:37:To lose the man, you've loved.
01:23:41:Endure this pain,|must be unbearable.
01:23:58:The time has come.
01:24:02:How long did you wait for the opportunity|for your revenge,
01:24:06:on the man who|did so much pain to you?
01:24:46:I'm so sorry.
01:24:50:I never wanted that..|I'm so sorry.
01:24:56:Do it.|This is your chance.
01:25:03:The time has come for you to make your choice.
01:25:16:Just do it.
01:25:28:I forgive him.
01:25:34:I forgive you.
01:25:52:I'll enjoy it,|to tear you piece in piece,
01:25:56:so how you did that to your unborn child has torn it out|from your body.
01:26:15:You may not intervene.|- The decision has been made.
01:26:21:For him, yes. You heard me.|- You took who will take you.
01:26:26:You should move on,|before I get really angry.
01:26:41:There is no redeem to her.
01:26:44:Fuck you and your god,|you little cunt.
01:27:10:Who says that?
01:27:28:Are you ok?|- No idea. Are we ok?
01:27:39:What did he mean,|there is no redeem for me?
01:27:44:He's lying.|Or at least it is wrong with that and played with you.
01:27:50:There is redeem for you.|Redeem through forgiveness.
01:28:02:Oh god.|Oh god, your face.
01:28:09:This eye. Oh god, I'm sorry.|- It's ok.
01:28:17:don't cry.|I forgive you, Mom.
01:28:29:How can you forgive me?|- Because you've never forgot about me.
01:28:40:You've always known that|I am a part of you.
01:28:44:And how many times have you talked to me at night,|prayed for my soul,
01:28:50:asked me for forgiveness?
01:28:55:You've always loved me.|- Oh god.
01:29:10:Now she needs your help.
01:29:23:She is waiting for you.
01:31:04:Jessica. Jessica.
01:32:04:Jess. Jess.
01:32:07:Jess, please, wake up. Please.
01:32:10:You can't leave me.|Come on. Please awake on.
01:32:14:Jess. Jess. Come on.
01:32:17:Jess . No, no.|- Sir.
01:32:19:No. don't leave me alone.
01:32:23:Jess.|- Hello? Are you ok?
01:32:26:Jess. Wake up.
01:32:28:piss off here.
01:32:32:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...|- Jess? Open your eyes.
01:32:38:Please awake up.|don't leave me alone.
01:33:16:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....|You are ok.
01:33:22:Look at me. Take a deep breath.|Deep. It is all right.
01:34:05:We can drive.
01:34:09:Rather buckle up, Sammy.|This is gonna be a bumpy ride.
01:34:14:No. No. No.
01:34:21:Translated and created by boogey_man
01:14:55:Come01:14:58:Listen, you've to stay here for a while, ok?01:15:02:We'll come back and get you,|promised. Go nowhere.01:15:06:Behave calmly.|Be very quite, ok?01:15:12:Nothing's gonna happen to me.01:15:20:Come01:15:28:Wanker.01:15:31:Come01:15:42:Fuck.01:15:48:Jess.01:15:50:Sam.01:15:52:Climb up on me.|- I can't.01:15:55:Sure you can.01:16:00:Give me your hand.01:16:04:No. No.|- No. Sam. Sam.01:16:09:Sam.01:16:16:Oh god.01:16:49:So you want to play huh?01:16:54:Strange.01:16:57:If you don't leave this room,|it is unsure what happens with Sam.01:17:42:Stop.01:17:51:What do you want?|Who are you?01:18:00:I'm whoever you want,|that I am.01:18:07:Oh, you silly girl.01:18:10:If you'd just knew who your friend|Sammy really is.01:18:13:Then we wouldn't have this|entertainment surely.01:18:17:I know who he is.|Who are you?01:18:21:Damn it, I have so many names.01:18:24:Let's just say I'm a collector,|and today was a very good day.01:18:34:Oh, your soul|smells absolutely delicious.01:18:39:Fuck you.|- Uh. That would please you, what?01:18:45:Then you could kill a further life,01:18:51:growing up in you.01:19:04:I could spend the entire day with talking to you,01:19:07:but I won't let Sammy|wait.01:19:17:Sam?01:19:20:Sam.|Sam. Are you ok?01:19:24:Go. Let me here.|- Be quiet. I won't leave you here.01:19:34:OK.01:19:40:How the idiom says. It's funny until someone loses an eye.01:19:55:What are you doing? What do you want?|I do everything, but please stop.01:20:01: กรุณา. |-ที่คุณต้องการ01:20:07:Samคุณทำให้เราใจ 01:20:13:Why01:20:21:Why ฉันคุณ01:20:28: คำถามคือ ทำไม do|you ทำให้ตัวคุณเอง01:20:34: ฉันเพิ่งจะเพิ่มเติมที่ tool|all นี้ ลูกของฉัน01:20:39: ดิออบเซิร์ฟเวอร์มี ถ้าคุณต้องการ01:20:42:Well, something|more บางทีกว่าที่นักการ01:20:47: ฉันใช้อิทธิพล |inspire การจูงใจ01:20:51: คุณคุณจัดการ หมายถึงการ01:20:53: โอ้ ดี. |ไม่เกี่ยวกับผม ขวา01:21:12: คุณไม่ได้บอกมันให้เธอแล้ว Sammy01:21:16: บอกอะไร? |-ไม่ แน่นอนไม่01:21:20:Have คุณเคยหยุดคิด about|that คืน สาม01:21:26:No แน่นอนไม่01:21:30:Do คุณมี habit|to ที่ให้ใครในชีวิตของคุณ01:21:34: ผู้ที่ได้รับผลกระทบ โดย your|deeds01:21:41:Does prevents|that self-pity ของคุณคุณสนใจว่า สาม01:21:50: คุย about|people ในรถยนต์อื่น ๆ01:21:56: เขาจะพูดถึง01:22:04: นรกคุณคือใคร? |-หมายเลข ไม่ใช่ ไม่ใช่01:22:08:Not นรกฉันคือใคร01:22:15: อะไรเธอทำ รู้ |if01:22:19: ที่อยู่ที่ wanker, |who ฆ่าสามี01:22:25: อะไร01:22:29:Sue01:22:34:Jason Jason. |ปลุก Jason01:22:40: โอ้ ใช่01:22:44: ฉันกลัวที่จะ the|sad อึดอัดจริง01:23:04: ความจริงเสียค่ารถฟรี เพื่อนของฉัน01:23:13: โอ้ ใช่ ที่รัก01:23:17: หน้า ของคุณนั่งคน |has เจ๊งเศร้าโศกตลอดชีวิต01:23:22: คนที่ได้แนะนำคุณทุกอย่าง01:23:26: คุณอาจเกลียดเขา |for เขาได้ทำให้คุณได้01:23:31:It ต้องกินคุณจากภายใน01:23:37: เสียคน คุณได้รักกัน01:23:41: อดทนต่อความเจ็บปวดนี้ |must มีความ01:23:58: เวลามา01:24:02:How ยาวไม่ได้คุณรอ opportunity|for การแก้แค้นของคุณ01:24:06: บน who|did คน มากอาการปวดให้คุณ01:24:46: ขอให้01:24:50: ฉันไม่เคยต้องที่... |ดังนั้นขอโทษ01:24:56:Do มัน |นี่คือโอกาสของคุณ01:25:03: เวลามีมาให้คุณเพื่อให้คุณเลือก01:25:16: เพิ่ง01:25:28: ยกโทษเขา01:25:34: ให้อภัยคุณ01:25:52: พึงพอใจกับมัน คุณชิ้นในชิ้น น้ำตา |to01:25:56: ดังนั้น วิธีคุณไม่ว่าเด็กทารกมีขาดมัน out|from ร่างกายของคุณ01:26:15: คุณไม่สามารถแทรกแซงได้ |-ทำตัดสินใจ01:26:21: เขา ใช่ คุณได้ยินฉัน. |-คุณเอาใครจะเอาคุณ01:26:26: คุณควรย้าย |before ได้รับโกรธจริง ๆ ด้วย01:26:41:There จะไม่แลกกับเธอ01:26:44:Fuck คุณ และพระเจ้าของคุณ เข้าไป |you cunt น้อย01:27:10: ที่บอกว่า01:27:28:Are คุณตกลง? |-ความคิด คือเราตกลงได้หรือไม่01:27:39: ไม่เขาหมายถึงอะไร |there จะไม่แลกสำหรับฉัน01:27:44:He ของโกหก. |หรือน้อยมันอยู่ผิดที่ และเล่นกับคุณ01:27:50:There จะแลกคุณ. |แลกผ่านอภัยโทษ01:28:02: โอ้ พระเจ้า. |โอ้ พระเจ้า ใบหน้าของคุณ01:28:09: ตานี้ โอ้ พระเจ้า ฉันขอ |-ได้ตกลง01:28:17: อย่าร้องไห้. |ฉันยกโทษให้คุณ แม่01:28:29:How คุณสามารถให้ฉัน? |-เนื่องจากคุณไม่ได้ลืมเกี่ยวกับฉัน01:28:40: คุณเสมอรู้จัก that|ฉันเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของคุณ01:28:44: และจำนวนครั้งมีคุณพูดคุยกับผมในเวลากลางคืน |prayed สำหรับจิตวิญญาณของฉัน01:28:50:asked me for forgiveness?01:28:55:You've always loved me.|- Oh god.01:29:10:Now she needs your help.01:29:14:What?01:29:19:1-7-2.01:29:23:She is waiting for you.01:31:04:Jessica. Jessica.01:31:19:Jessica.01:31:56:1-7-2.01:31:58:Jessica?01:32:04:Jess. Jess.01:32:07:Jess, please, wake up. Please.01:32:10:You can't leave me.|Come on. Please awake on.01:32:14:Jess. Jess. Come on.01:32:17:Jess . No, no.|- Sir.01:32:19:No. don't leave me alone.01:32:23:Jess.|- Hello? Are you ok?01:32:26:Jess. Wake up.01:32:28:piss off here.01:32:32:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...|- Jess? Open your eyes.01:32:38:Please awake up.|don't leave me alone.01:33:06:01:33:16:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....|You are ok.01:33:22:Look at me. Take a deep breath.|Deep. It is all right.01:33:26:Jess.01:34:05:We can drive.01:34:09:Rather buckle up, Sammy.|This is gonna be a bumpy ride.01:34:14:No. No. No.01:34:20:No.01:34:21:Translated and created by boogey_man
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

01:14:58:Listen, you've to stay here for a while, ok?
01:15:02:We'll come back and get you,|promised. Go nowhere.
01:15:06:Behave calmly.|Be very quite, ok?
01:15:12:Nothing's gonna happen to me.
01:15:52:Climb up on me.|- I can't.
01:15:55:Sure you can.
01:16:00:Give me your hand.
01:16:04:No. No.|- No. Sam. Sam.
01:16:16:Oh god.
01:16:49:So you want to play huh?
01:16:57:If you don't leave this room,|it is unsure what happens with Sam.
01:17:51:What do you want?|Who are you?
01:18:00:I'm whoever you want,|that I am.
01:18:07:Oh, you silly girl.
01:18:10:If you'd just knew who your friend|Sammy really is.
01:18:13:Then we wouldn't have this|entertainment surely.
01:18:17:I know who he is.|Who are you?
01:18:21:Damn it, I have so many names.
01:18:24:Let's just say I'm a collector,|and today was a very good day.
01:18:34:Oh, your soul|smells absolutely delicious.
01:18:39:Fuck you.|- Uh. That would please you, what?
01:18:45:Then you could kill a further life,
01:18:51:growing up in you.
01:19:04:I could spend the entire day with talking to you,
01:19:07:but I won't let Sammy|wait.
01:19:20:Sam.|Sam. Are you ok?
01:19:24:Go. Let me here.|- Be quiet. I won't leave you here.
01:19:40:How the idiom says. It's funny until someone loses an eye.
01:19:55:What are you doing? What do you want?|I do everything, but please stop.
01:20:01:Please.|- Who you wish.
01:20:13:Why are you doing this to us?
01:20:21:Why I do that to you?
01:20:28:The question is, why do|you do that to yourself?
01:20:34:I'm barely more that a tool|all this, my child.
01:20:39:An observer, if you want.
01:20:42:Well, maybe something|more than an observer.
01:20:47:I take influence,|inspire, motivate.
01:20:51:You manipulate, you mean.
01:20:53:Oh well.|It's not about me, right?
01:21:12:Did you tell it to her already, Sammy?
01:21:16:Told what?|- Not, of course not.
01:21:20:Have you ever stopped to think about|that night, Sam?
01:21:26:No. Of course not.
01:21:30:Do you have the habit|to let nobody in your life.
01:21:34:Those who are affected by your|deeds.
01:21:41:Does your self-pity prevents|that you care about that, Sam?
01:21:50:Let's talk about|people in the other car.
01:21:56:What he's talking about?
01:22:04:Who the hell are you?|- No. No. No.
01:22:08:Not who the hell I am.
01:22:15:What would she do,|if she knew,
01:22:19:that you were the wanker,|who killed her husband?
01:22:34:Jason ? Jason.|Wake up, Jason.
01:22:40:Oh. Yes.
01:22:44:I'm afraid that's the|sad, uncomfortable truth.
01:23:04:The truth will set you free, my mate.
01:23:13:Oh yes, my love.
01:23:17:In front of you is sitting the man who,|has ruined your sad life.
01:23:22:The man who has taken you everything.
01:23:26:You might hate him,|for what he has done to you.
01:23:31:It must eat you from inside.
01:23:37:To lose the man, you've loved.
01:23:41:Endure this pain,|must be unbearable.
01:23:58:The time has come.
01:24:02:How long did you wait for the opportunity|for your revenge,
01:24:06:on the man who|did so much pain to you?
01:24:46:I'm so sorry.
01:24:50:I never wanted that..|I'm so sorry.
01:24:56:Do it.|This is your chance.
01:25:03:The time has come for you to make your choice.
01:25:16:Just do it.
01:25:28:I forgive him.
01:25:34:I forgive you.
01:25:52:I'll enjoy it,|to tear you piece in piece,
01:25:56:so how you did that to your unborn child has torn it out|from your body.
01:26:15:You may not intervene.|- The decision has been made.
01:26:21:For him, yes. You heard me.|- You took who will take you.
01:26:26:You should move on,|before I get really angry.
01:26:41:There is no redeem to her.
01:26:44:Fuck you and your god,|you little cunt.
01:27:10:Who says that?
01:27:28:Are you ok?|- No idea. Are we ok?
01:27:39:What did he mean,|there is no redeem for me?
01:27:44:He's lying.|Or at least it is wrong with that and played with you.
01:27:50:There is redeem for you.|Redeem through forgiveness.
01:28:02:Oh god.|Oh god, your face.
01:28:09:This eye. Oh god, I'm sorry.|- It's ok.
01:28:17:don't cry.|I forgive you, Mom.
01:28:29:How can you forgive me?|- Because you've never forgot about me.
01:28:40:You've always known that|I am a part of you.
01:28:44:And how many times have you talked to me at night,|prayed for my soul,
01:28:50:asked me for forgiveness?
01:28:55:You've always loved me.|- Oh god.
01:29:10:Now she needs your help.
01:29:23:She is waiting for you.
01:31:04:Jessica. Jessica.
01:32:04:Jess. Jess.
01:32:07:Jess, please, wake up. Please.
01:32:10:You can't leave me.|Come on. Please awake on.
01:32:14:Jess. Jess. Come on.
01:32:17:Jess . No, no.|- Sir.
01:32:19:No. don't leave me alone.
01:32:23:Jess.|- Hello? Are you ok?
01:32:26:Jess. Wake up.
01:32:28:piss off here.
01:32:32:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...|- Jess? Open your eyes.
01:32:38:Please awake up.|don't leave me alone.
01:33:16:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....|You are ok.
01:33:22:Look at me. Take a deep breath.|Deep. It is all right.
01:34:05:We can drive.
01:34:09:Rather buckle up, Sammy.|This is gonna be a bumpy ride.
01:34:14:No. No. No.
01:34:21:Translated and created by boogey_man
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..