University is a time in which many people build their greatest relationships, creating bonds that last the rest of their lives. Often these links culminate in one final trip during the graduating year that all of the participants remember for the rest of their lives.
For my friends and I, that trip found us in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Forty students clambered their way on to a chartered flight at 5:30 AM, aware only of the fact that their livers would suffer immensely during the week that followed. After several quick hours the plane touched down just 30 minutes away from the golden beaches and flowing mojitos. A gentleman flagged down our large group, directing us to a private bus that took us directly to the resort. The heat was intense but invigorating, and each bead of sweat signaled an increase in excitement. Within one hour of arriving at the all-inclusive hotel each student had found their room, unpacked their bags, and ordered a drink. Without given order, everyone gathered at the red, ocean-side pillow beds that would become our daytime homes for the next 7 days. Quickly we found ourselves chatting, swimming, playing cards, paddling in kayaks and spiking volleyballs. The sun was high in the sky and little could disturb this incredible private world. The night came softly, a remarkable sunset acting as master of ceremonies to reign in the evening.
Festivities began to unfold as a dance show took place on stage while our enormous group looked on in a spirited state. As the night progressed the group wandered into the ocean for a moonlit swim. It served as a perfect end to an incredible day. The ensuing six days saw little change in our routine. Daytimes were kept busy with sports, contests and endless alcoholic beverages. Evenings brought opportunities to dance at the bars and clubs both on and off the resort. A catamaran ride serving our group brought us to the Dunn’s River Falls where all forty of us linked arms and walked our way up the falls. Following this feat was none other than an open bar on the open sea. As we sailed it became clear that these people would forever remain an important memory for me: a marker that represented one of the greatest times in my life and one that I will recall for the rest of my days.
As the sun set on our final night and we departed for the airport we all reminisced about the previous week, sharing laughs and smiles through sobered eyes. The trip may have been over, but its impact has proven to endure.
A Maldivian Paradise Fit for a Princess
1 August 2011
I was more excited about my honeymoon than my wedding – we had decided to go all out and book the trip of a life time. We decided on the Maldives, not the most adventurous but I had never been so far away or to somewhere so exotic. We arrived after a 12 hour flight pretty tired and the heat hit you in the face as you stepped off the plane. We were to get to our island by sea plane, which in itself was a massive adventure. The water was so blue and so clear you could see right to the bottom and even where the sea planes took off and landed you could see colourful fish swimming happily around beneath you.
The sea plane was fun, although it was hot and stuffy, but the views made up for it. Thousands of tiny islands sprawled below and as we can into land you could actually see the giant sting rays sunbathing lazily in the shallower waters. Our hotel wasn’t really a hotel; it was a tiny island with 70 water bungalows, a bar and a restaurant. It looked just like it did in the brochures. As we walked up the jetty we saw basking sharks and an octopus. The water was crystal clear and the sand bright white. Our room was out on a little jetty on white metal stilts that were directly above the water. The room had a glass floor so you could see the water below and the marine life was incredible. In 10 minutes I’d seen angel fish, clown (nemo) fish, more octopus and so many others which I don’t know the name of. T
he room had a balcony with steps which went down into the sea. The water was hot, just like a bath. Going for a swim was one of the first things I did. We spent all week lying either in the water or on our glass floor looking down and spotting the fish. We bought a fish chart from the reception and marked them off as they swam past. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky all week and the food and company were amazing. It really was paradise and definitely fit for a princess!
Halloween in New York City: There's Nothing Like It!
31 July 2011
To me, Halloween always meant Trick-or-Treating or watching a scary movie with friends. But two years ago, my friends and I decided to go to Times Square for Halloween- you'd think we would have been there before, for this festive occasion, given we've lived in New York our whole lives, but sadly this wasn't the case. Leaving the house by 9pm, we arrived at Times Square by 10pm.
Everything about the trip there was as normal as ever; no signs of it being a different day, since the only people in costume were my friends and I. The moment we walked out of the Seven Train terminal in Times Square was when I decided that every Halloween would be celebrated in the heart of NYC. Everyone was in costume! It looked like the biggest Halloween out-door party. Virtually any block you turned, there wasn't a "casually" dressed person to be seen. Not only was everyone in character, but a lot friendlier than a normal New York day; strangers were talking to strangers, complimenting costumes. Even those dressed in the same costume, but different versions, were seen taking pictures together, then waving a friendly good-bye and "Nice to meet you!" We had stayed in Times Square for a little over an hour, until deciding to go to a lounge in Soho.
Now, the train was packed with fellow "costumers." Walking a short block towards the lounge, there was, as usual, garbage bags on the street waiting to be picked up. However, this one garbage bag plopped up and scared us! It was in fact a person, in a garbage bag, hunched over the side of the street waiting for candidates to trick- and it sure did work! The lounge in Soho was decorated with cobwebs, and even the waiters and bartenders had face masks or full out costumes. Some people even decided to go green for Halloween, and had costumes made out of recyclable material! The menu was also completely decked out in Halloween themed drinks, appetizers, and entrees. I had always known New York City was a special place, but to be able to see it on Halloween night was truly eye-opening! The fast paced, serious city finally shuts down and turns into a friendly non-stop party.
A Place of Unreal Planned Beauty
30 July 2011
Walt Disney World truly is a world of beautiful unreality. In 1998, I remember riding the shuttle from our motel to the airport and seeing all the enclosed backyards. That sight made me realize just how special my holiday at Walt Disney World had been.
Walt Disney World is of course located in a mosquito infested swamp. In the rest of the Orlando area people have huge netted enclosures built so that they can enjoy their back yards in peace. Seeing those enclosures on the way to the airport made me realize that for the past week I had not been bothered at all by bugs nor had I seen any exterminators or smelled any pesticide. Disney World is a place of unreality where there are no bugs in the swamp. It is a place where every view is planned, sculpted and beautified. The buildings are beautiful from every angle. Even the sound is planned. You don't hear the clashing noises of a city: no trash cans banging together, no inconsiderate motorcyclists roaring around, no boom boxes blaring. We stayed “on world” which is Disney's way of saying that we stayed in a Disney property.
We chose the lowest cost accommodations. The rooms were smaller than any two bed hotel room I've ever stayed in but nevertheless there was a certain beauty to the motel complex. The pools were not the elaborate ones with waterfalls that other Disney “resorts” have but they were interesting with clever touches such as being shaped in accordance with the theme of the resort. I remember the last day of our stay when I finally noticed that even the iron railings were designed in line with the theme of the resort. Then I had to laugh because my sister pointed out that even the outside stairwells were designed. In our case they were made to look like giant harmonicas.
I loved our holiday at Walt Disney World and every year I think about returning.
My Wonderful Vacation at Camp Seeley Cailfornia
26 July 2011
I can remember as a little girl about seven years old driving up to Camp Seeley in California. The trip would take about five hours driving through winding canyons and twisting mountain roads. The anticipation would become more difficult to contain the closer we came to our destination. I remember being in awe of the towering pine trees and the abundance of lady bugs flying and fluttering around as we entered into Big Bear Mountain.
Once we arrived we would be greeted by the enthusiastic camp coordinators so they could take us to our cabin. From that point we would walk to our cabin and get ready for the upcoming weeks activities. After un-packing my first stop would be the general store. The outside of the store always reminded me of the old western movies where the cowboys would tie their horses to the rail outside. Once inside there would be a plethora of candy and treats to meet any kid’s desire. After loading up on snacks we would make our way back to the cabin to get ready for dinner. Finally at the chow hall, we would fill our bellies with hamburgers and spaghetti until we popped. The night would include a stroll along a small creek where frogs would feast on any insects that would fly into their path and the remainder of the evening would include gazing at the stars that seemed to twinkle like diamonds in the sky.
The following days would co