This literature review highlighted a few classroom-based cre-ative expression programmes aimed at enhancing the well-beingof children. The outcomes of the studies, although lacking in con-sistency and methodological rigour in some cases, are encouragingand can lead us to believe that this type of intervention mightbe beneficial for children’s well-being. However, one needs tobe cautious with these results as some studies also reported noimprovement. This draws attention to the paucity of strong evalu-ation of this type of programmes. As more research is conducted inthis field, the impact of classroom-based creative expression pro-grammes could be ascertained, thus making them valid preventionand treatment tools. In turn, education authorities should considerintegrating this type of intervention in the regular school curriculaas a preventive measure. To achieve this, awareness must be raisedamong decision makers and mobilization of those concerned bythis change, namely teachers and school professionals, needs to besuccessfully carried out.