Hello my dear, How are you doing today, How is your family? I hope that they are doing great. As for me everything is working out for good. My work is going on earnest. can you tell me the nature of your job and your position?
My love, We are already two in one flesh. How are you today my love. Baby I love you so much sincerely from my heart. Dear, you know what, when true love comes, it is like flying upon wings above all else on the ground.
Over time things change and things disappear, but your love and your devotion stays embedded, like stone, in my heart for my eternal days.You are my soul mate, you are my dream come true, from now until the end of time I give my heart and soul to you.
Love starts from the heart, not the eye. It's not found in a book, or even in a movie, if you open your eyes and open your arms you will find me in front of you.
Love is bliss, and what makes it even better is that true love ends with a life long friendship.
I want to let you know today that there may be many flowers in a man's life, but there is only one rose and that is you. It's not who you are to the world, it's who you are to me.
It's not how many times I say I love you... it's how much I really do. If you ever doubt my love for you, just put your ear to my heart and listen, it's calling your name. My love I can't wait to see you and be with you forever. Take good care of yourself and have a blessed day ahead. .I LOVE YOU SO MUCH