Luckaveli Jackson
1 week ago•
I listened to the sound and a day later, got a woman's number; I'm going back tomorrow to get the other six!
1 year ago•13
fukd delux
+thaintriguing1 me,too(i am what i eat)
3 days ago•
+fukd delux exactly
3 days ago•1
fukd delux
3 days ago•
+fukd delux it'll be ok, buttercup, put your big boy pants on.
1 week ago•
fukd delux
+thaintriguing1 yep,i'm still disappointed about seeing dumb-ass comments like yours, if NET NEUTRALITY fails,the bright side is, i won't have to anymore.
1 week ago•
+fukd delux aww, someone upset over the Internet?
1 week ago•
fukd delux
+thaintriguing1 that was your landlord,she felt comfortable about confronting you in person about your due rent because you own so many cats,so you might want to cease listening to dumb shit on youtube and get a FUCKING LIFE!
1 week ago•
KJ Luminous
+thaintriguing1 so how's the result?
1 month ago•
+TA Creations dafug are you talking about?!?
4 months ago•
I am joking you turd;) haha
8 months ago•1
+Mrcheekymonkeyisback cunt
8 months ago•1
+thaintriguing1 slut
8 months ago•2
Noraa Samoht
11 months ago•4
Kitty Grinder
will this work if you're a female?
1 month ago•1
sixdroid0302 //
worked even today.i have mixed this with others and 100 % results
1 week ago•
wow i listened to this when i was done i swear i could hear like Lazer s being ahott or something it was a trip and i also see visions of a lady she was teying to tell me something but i couldn't make iut wat she was saing im trying this again i feel like im going to get some reaults from this its a crazy experience i just had
1 month ago•1
Sunjith Achanta
+HAUNTABILLY KATT So has it worked?
4 weeks ago•
christopher b
Does this work when downloaded? And does the beats stimulate the release of pheromones or hormones?
8 months ago•
+christopher b Ok, thanks.
4 hours ago•
christopher b
Androstenol works if you are kind of baddass, which pairs well with test. video. Pretty much why I dont listen to it because I dont feel like being intimidating or having to be a lone wolf. I havent listened to subliminals in a while but I have a couple I used to listen to on my playlists.
5 hours ago•
+christopher b Yea I got good results from Quads attract women, but that's about the only one I ever stuck to. Never did really get any results from the androstenol, not sure why, I guess I just didn't use it long enough. Also another question, are there any subliminal accounts you would recommend, the only one I have ever really seen is Vortex Success?
5 hours ago•
christopher b
+bambam12 I already have too many videos to listen to so I dont listen to this one usually. I usually get good results from quadible's attract women, test, hgh, and sometimes sapien med's androstenol. Those will get you places. Sometimes I listen to subliminals that help a lot too with confidence. As the pheromones and hormones will help you think differently but it works even better with subliminals to help convince your subconscious.
5 hours ago (edited)•
+christopher b Did this video ever work for you?
5 days ago•
+christopher b Did this video ever work for you?
5 days ago•
Alpha Sphynx
+christopher b i think this video doesn't use pheromones. i went to their website before and just read that they use only alpha frequency which set you to become alpha male...
7 months ago•
christopher b
+Joseph Mervin I haven't been listening to it, but it sounds pretty strong, I'm willing to bet it works. I just wish I knew what pheromones it stimulates.
7 months ago•
Alpha Sphynx
+christopher b hi chris, what's ur observation w/ this one? does it work?
7 months ago•
People have to be realistic as well. if you look like fat warthog you can't expect a girl that is 10, hell even 6 or 7 to go crazy about you. my point is most of those that complain, don't have realistic expectations. looks matter.
3 months ago•1
Trump Aces
Does this consist of subliminal also?
4 weeks ago•
Malik Smith
THIS SHIT FREAKIN WORKS there's this super cute girl that i've had a major crush on i have her for one of my classes and she sits in front of me i started listening to this video and it may be a coincidence but i think not because SHE IS ALL OVER ME she's all touching me, flirting, trying to even get my number this is freakin AMAZING GOD BLESS YOU ASTRALCARL GOD BLESS (you just earned a subscriber)
1 year ago (edited)•15
josh balistreri
+jack beanstalk dude are you being forreal? diditwork?
1 month ago•1
nitin pillai
+jack beanstalk did u download it or u visit youtube everytime?
7 months ago•1
A.I wannabei
+jack beanstalk how did you listen to it like doin stuff or just chilin
8 months ago•2
Malik Smith
+Thebrofistarmy99 yes i did
1 year ago•
Malik Smith
+Jonathan Raynard i hear it 3 times a day but you can listen to it just once but i recommend 3
1 year ago•1
+Thebrofistarmy99 you need headphones for binaural beats to work
1 year ago•
Did you use headphones when you listened to it?
1 year ago•
Jonathan Raynard
How many times you heard it until it worked?
1 year ago•
Rashid Al-Haqbany
Don't know what's happened ! tried it and I went too the club i get 4 phone number all ready ! that was never the case . any one have the same results ?
1 year ago (edited)•3
Sunjith Achanta
+Rashid Al-Haqbany Which country are you in? Have you been with more attractive people because of this?
1 week ago•
Rashid Al-Haqbany
beside the point , you brain is the power , if dont know how to talk to woman nothing will work . all it dos you will start to notes woman with the right mind energy
1 week ago•
Sunjith Achanta
+sixdroid0302 // What did she say when you started to talk to her?
1 week ago•
sixdroid0302 //
+Sunjith Achanta i know it' seems hard because i'm quite shy usually but when you see one girl that look at you go talk to will surely happen that you'll see some girls looking at you after some weeks of binaural and subliminals.
1 week ago•
Sunjith Achanta
+sixdroid0302 // Like give me an example from your experience
1 week ago•
Sunjith Achanta
+sixdroid0302 // But how do you approach the right women without embarrassing yourself? I mean I don't want them to think I'm some creep
1 week ago•
sixdroid0302 //
+Sunjith Achanta depends. when I walk out women keeps looking at me since I started with subliminals and binaural so it works. even married ones and girls younger than me
1 week ago•
sixdroid0302 //
+Sunjith Achanta for my experiences it works only if you approach them
1 week ago•
Rashid Al-Haqbany
nop :-)
3 weeks ago•
Sunjith Achanta
+Rashid Al-Haqbany So you didn't even have to say a single word?
3 weeks ago•
Rashid Al-Haqbany
in away , you must do something make eye contact and smile :-)
4 weeks ago•
Sunjith Achanta
+Rashid Al-Haqbany Did they approach you first?
4 weeks ago•
Pilgrim's Way
Would it work if I converted the audio to MP3 and listened ?
5 months ago•
ho te
2 months ago•
can I download mp3 and listen ?
4 months ago•
Danny Britt
In my own experience, simple proper grooming works best for me personally before I ask any chicks out basically to increase my self esteem. Other than that, I try to become at ease, take a deep breath few times so i don’t get far too worried, especially when i feel the woman is simply too beautiful to me. Additionally, I add a few hypnotic secret called RAPID Women Seducer. Just don’t get too addicted with it after you have great results.
2 months ago•4
ho te
2 months ago•
Patrick John
does this really work? I haven't had a girl in months after the ex-bitch left, I'm really spiralling into depression by being alone. I hope this is not a joke. If there are anything else that helps please inform me, Thanks
7 months ago•2
being single is the shit. consider her leaving you're get out of jail free card.
Luckaveli Jacksonhmmmago• 1 สัปดาห์thaintriguing1ผมฟังเสียงและวันต่อมา มีจำนวนของผู้หญิง ฉันจะกลับพรุ่งนี้ไปรับอื่นหกago•13 1 ปีจอง fukd+ thaintriguing1 ฉันเกินไป (ฉันกินของฉัน)ago• 3 วันthaintriguing1+ fukd จองแน่นอนago•1 3 วันจอง fukdหีago• 3 วันthaintriguing1+ fukd จองมันจะสามารถตกลง บัตเตอร์คัพ ใส่กางเกงของเด็กใหญ่ago• 1 สัปดาห์จอง fukd+ thaintriguing1 ฮ่ะ ฉันยังคงผิดหวังเกี่ยวกับเห็นตูด dumb เห็นเช่นคุณ ถ้า NET ความเป็นกลาง ด้านสว่างเป็น ฉันจะไม่ได้อีกต่อไปago• 1 สัปดาห์thaintriguing1+ fukd จองสะสม คนอารมณ์เสียอินเทอร์เน็ตago• 1 สัปดาห์จอง fukd+ thaintriguing1 ที่เจ้าของของคุณ เธอรู้สึกเกี่ยวกับเผชิญคุณคนเกี่ยวกับการเช่าครบกำหนดเนื่องจากคุณเป็นเจ้าของแมวมาก ดังนั้นคุณอาจต้องหยุดฟังคนใบ้ใน youtube และได้รับชีวิตที่เป็นร่วมเพศago• 1 สัปดาห์ลูมินัส KJ+ thaintriguing1 เพื่อว่าผล1 เดือน ago•thaintriguing1+ สร้างสรรค์ตา dafug คุณพูดถึง?!? ago• 4 เดือนAirpulseMapping.HD™ฉันล้อเล่นคุณ turd;) ฮาฮาago•1 8 เดือนthaintriguing1+ Mrcheekymonkeyisback cuntago•1 8 เดือนAirpulseMapping.HD™+ ดอกทอง thaintriguing1ago•2 8 เดือนNoraa Samoht555เดือนที่ 11 ago•4คิตตี้เครื่องบดนี้จะทำงานถ้าคุณเป็นหญิงหรือไม่1 เดือน ago•1sixdroid0302 / /today.i ทำงานแม้มีผสมนี้กับผู้อื่นและ 100% ผลลัพธ์1 week ago•HAUNTABILLY KATTwow i listened to this when i was done i swear i could hear like Lazer s being ahott or something it was a trip and i also see visions of a lady she was teying to tell me something but i couldn't make iut wat she was saing im trying this again i feel like im going to get some reaults from this its a crazy experience i just had1 month ago•1Sunjith Achanta+HAUNTABILLY KATT So has it worked?4 weeks ago•christopher bDoes this work when downloaded? And does the beats stimulate the release of pheromones or hormones?8 months ago•bambam12+christopher b Ok, thanks.4 hours ago•christopher bAndrostenol works if you are kind of baddass, which pairs well with test. video. Pretty much why I dont listen to it because I dont feel like being intimidating or having to be a lone wolf. I havent listened to subliminals in a while but I have a couple I used to listen to on my playlists. 5 hours ago•bambam12+christopher b Yea I got good results from Quads attract women, but that's about the only one I ever stuck to. Never did really get any results from the androstenol, not sure why, I guess I just didn't use it long enough. Also another question, are there any subliminal accounts you would recommend, the only one I have ever really seen is Vortex Success?5 hours ago•christopher b+bambam12 I already have too many videos to listen to so I dont listen to this one usually. I usually get good results from quadible's attract women, test, hgh, and sometimes sapien med's androstenol. Those will get you places. Sometimes I listen to subliminals that help a lot too with confidence. As the pheromones and hormones will help you think differently but it works even better with subliminals to help convince your subconscious. 5 hours ago (edited)•bambam12+christopher b Did this video ever work for you?5 days ago•bambam12+christopher b Did this video ever work for you?5 days ago•Alpha Sphynx+christopher b i think this video doesn't use pheromones. i went to their website before and just read that they use only alpha frequency which set you to become alpha male...7 months ago•christopher b+Joseph Mervin I haven't been listening to it, but it sounds pretty strong, I'm willing to bet it works. I just wish I knew what pheromones it stimulates.7 months ago•Alpha Sphynx+christopher b hi chris, what's ur observation w/ this one? does it work?7 months ago•Globox822People have to be realistic as well. if you look like fat warthog you can't expect a girl that is 10, hell even 6 or 7 to go crazy about you. my point is most of those that complain, don't have realistic expectations. looks matter.3 months ago•1Trump AcesDoes this consist of subliminal also?4 weeks ago•
Malik Smith
THIS SHIT FREAKIN WORKS there's this super cute girl that i've had a major crush on i have her for one of my classes and she sits in front of me i started listening to this video and it may be a coincidence but i think not because SHE IS ALL OVER ME she's all touching me, flirting, trying to even get my number this is freakin AMAZING GOD BLESS YOU ASTRALCARL GOD BLESS (you just earned a subscriber)
1 year ago (edited)•15
josh balistreri
+jack beanstalk dude are you being forreal? diditwork?
1 month ago•1
nitin pillai
+jack beanstalk did u download it or u visit youtube everytime?
7 months ago•1
A.I wannabei
+jack beanstalk how did you listen to it like doin stuff or just chilin
8 months ago•2
Malik Smith
+Thebrofistarmy99 yes i did
1 year ago•
Malik Smith
+Jonathan Raynard i hear it 3 times a day but you can listen to it just once but i recommend 3
1 year ago•1
+Thebrofistarmy99 you need headphones for binaural beats to work
1 year ago•
Did you use headphones when you listened to it?
1 year ago•
Jonathan Raynard
How many times you heard it until it worked?
1 year ago•
Rashid Al-Haqbany
Don't know what's happened ! tried it and I went too the club i get 4 phone number all ready ! that was never the case . any one have the same results ?
1 year ago (edited)•3
Sunjith Achanta
+Rashid Al-Haqbany Which country are you in? Have you been with more attractive people because of this?
1 week ago•
Rashid Al-Haqbany
beside the point , you brain is the power , if dont know how to talk to woman nothing will work . all it dos you will start to notes woman with the right mind energy
1 week ago•
Sunjith Achanta
+sixdroid0302 // What did she say when you started to talk to her?
1 week ago•
sixdroid0302 //
+Sunjith Achanta i know it' seems hard because i'm quite shy usually but when you see one girl that look at you go talk to will surely happen that you'll see some girls looking at you after some weeks of binaural and subliminals.
1 week ago•
Sunjith Achanta
+sixdroid0302 // Like give me an example from your experience
1 week ago•
Sunjith Achanta
+sixdroid0302 // But how do you approach the right women without embarrassing yourself? I mean I don't want them to think I'm some creep
1 week ago•
sixdroid0302 //
+Sunjith Achanta depends. when I walk out women keeps looking at me since I started with subliminals and binaural so it works. even married ones and girls younger than me
1 week ago•
sixdroid0302 //
+Sunjith Achanta for my experiences it works only if you approach them
1 week ago•
Rashid Al-Haqbany
nop :-)
3 weeks ago•
Sunjith Achanta
+Rashid Al-Haqbany So you didn't even have to say a single word?
3 weeks ago•
Rashid Al-Haqbany
in away , you must do something make eye contact and smile :-)
4 weeks ago•
Sunjith Achanta
+Rashid Al-Haqbany Did they approach you first?
4 weeks ago•
Pilgrim's Way
Would it work if I converted the audio to MP3 and listened ?
5 months ago•
ho te
2 months ago•
can I download mp3 and listen ?
4 months ago•
Danny Britt
In my own experience, simple proper grooming works best for me personally before I ask any chicks out basically to increase my self esteem. Other than that, I try to become at ease, take a deep breath few times so i don’t get far too worried, especially when i feel the woman is simply too beautiful to me. Additionally, I add a few hypnotic secret called RAPID Women Seducer. Just don’t get too addicted with it after you have great results.
2 months ago•4
ho te
2 months ago•
Patrick John
does this really work? I haven't had a girl in months after the ex-bitch left, I'm really spiralling into depression by being alone. I hope this is not a joke. If there are anything else that helps please inform me, Thanks
7 months ago•2
being single is the shit. consider her leaving you're get out of jail free card.
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