At the same time that Tatsuya was visiting Leo, Lina arrived at the
Tokyo branch for Maximilian Devices. This was where Michaela
Honda was working under the alias Mia Honda, and also one of the
secret meeting grounds for the unit hunting for the deserters.
Even if not to the degree of magic university students, it wasn’t
particularly rare to see magic high school students visit CAD
manufacturing sites. A letter of introduction from the embassy and
First High’s uniform enabled Lina to pass through all security and
enter a conference room, where she met the two Stardust members she
rescued last night in a nick of time, who were dressed in tight skirts
and tunics.
“Major, thank you for the save last night.”
“At ease.”
Lina gestured for the two saluting members to sit before she also took
a seat on the sofa. After closing her eyes and breathing deeply out, a
pair of golden eyes opened beneath flaming red hair.
A completely different color than Angelina Kudou Shields, and a
completely different face.
Still, neither of the two Stardust members betrayed any surprise on
their faces. This golden eyed young girl with a cold face was their
Angie Sirius.
“You two, what is the extent of your injuries from last night?”
“Mostly healed. It will not affect our mission.”
Hearing the hunters refer to themselves as mere tools, Lina, no, Angie
Sirius wrinkled her brows, but that only served to deepen the cruel
impression on her cold features rather than betraying her displeasure.
“Is that right. Then give me your sit rep.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Lina herself felt that those words didn’t convey the complete picture,
but it looks like the other side got the hint.
“After picking up the trail on Demus Second, we utilized Cast Jammer
based on the target’s profile. However, Cast Jammer failed to have any
effect on Demus Second.”
“Did he affect Cast Jammer’s operation?”
“Negative, Cast Jammer was functioning normally. Based on Demus
Second’s words, he no longer requires a CAD.”
“No longer requires a CAD…… Does that mean Sgt. Sullivan has
achieved spiritualization?”
“I concur.”
In response to Lina’s suspicion, the hunters replied in the affirmative.
“The current Demus Second did not need a cad to use Trajectory
“So no other magic was used.”
“In addition, Demus Second possesses superior physical capabilities
than our augmented bodies.”
The deserters physical prowess had increased was fresh intelligence.
Lina slightly turned this over in her head before carefully asking the
two of them the next question.
“Has Sgt. Sullivan’s psion wave signature changed?”
“At least, we’re still able to identify it.”
“During my pursuit of Sgt. Sullivan, I suspect he made contact with
his comrades. However, I was unable to observe that person’s psion
wave signature.”
“……My apologies. We detected no other psion wave signature save
for the Major and Demus Second.”
Lina closed her eyes and considered this for a moment.
“……Looks like our old data is no longer reliable. From today
onward, continue surveillance on any deserters that you found the trail
for and do not engage. Wait for me to arrive before engaging.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Returning the salute of the two Stardust members who had risen to
their feet, Lina quitted the conference room