First of all, inEnglish we oftenend letters beforethe sign off with certainphrases. These
canbe included inmostletters and willmakeyourletter seemrealisticand polished. For
aformal letter , youcoulduse:
Ifyou require any further information, pleasedo not hesitate tocontactme. Thanking
youin advancefor your help, I lookforward to hearingfrom you soon.
For a moreinformal letteryoucould use:
Ifyou need toknow anythingelse, justget intouch withme as soon as you can. Thanks a
lotfor your help and I hopeto hear fr om you soon.
Becarefulthough! IEL TSexaminers quiterightlylook for writingthathas been
memorised andjust repeated so, if youuse expressions like theones above, makesure
that theyfit inwith therest of yourletter .
Finallyyou'llneed to sign off your letter . For a formal letteruse:
Y ours faithfully ,OR
Y ours sincerely ,
Rememberthe commas (itmakes agood impression on theexaminer if youuse good
punctuation)and spell"sincerely" correctly(a lot of peopledon't!).
For an informalletter , loveis not alwaysappropriatethough English speakers useit alot.
Better would beto use:
Y ours,