While we were having our chat, myriads of food were carried over to our table.
Meat! Meat! It’s meat again!
I wasn’t sure if this was Hetty-san’s preference but, the meat rate is high! Oven-baked skewers, boiled meat broth and sashimi (meat too). Meat with meat and doubled with more meat! It’s a steep level!
However, each and all of them tasted really good. The seasonings used were much simpler than the inn’s dining room but, the taste was really intoxicating, probably because of the materials used or the atmosphere around. I was by no means drunk at all.
There were a variety of meat dishes served that includes, rich looking meat, lightly cooked meat, firm chewy meat and meat that literally melts in your mouth. Countless tastes have emerged simultaneously the moment I took a bite of the meat. I wonder if the meat from Japan…..or rather from earth like beef, pork and chicken are something basically really simple. Well since there are an abundance of wild animals, the wildlife food chain is strong.
Although, this sashimi meat in particular was really rare since dishes such as Yukke and sliced beef are no longer served in majority of the shops in Japan. As I thought raw meat is excellent~
However, food poisoning comes to mind when I started thinking of raw meat. If I were to get food poisoning in this other world, it wouldn’t just be troublesome. I might end up dying too………Let’s just hope that the wine here has been sterilized.
While I was being immersed in the taste of raw meat after a long time, Hetty-san’s sudden question broke my reverie.
“By the way Jirou-sama, will Becky be moving in as well once the maintenance of the mansion is completed? There is the matter with regards to the furniture arrangements too but I would like to enquire beforehand.” [Hetty]
“Eeeeeehhh!? How did that topic come about? As expected I don’t think it’s good to stay together with a married woman isn’t it?” [Jirou]
Out of shock I almost spat out the raw meat. Speaking of which, this person might have been wondering about the relationship between me and Rebecca-san. Could it be that, she didn’t know that she’s married?
No, my conjecture might have hit the mark. Married woman? She stared at Rebecca-san suspiciously. Rebecca-san lowered her eyebrows.
We’ve been acquainted for a long time but when did you get married? You’ve been keeping silent all this while about this. Could it be this kind of situation?
“……What’s the meaning of this Becky? Are you married already? ……I was certain that you weren’t yet since you couldn’t forget about Isaac…..” [Hetty]
“Ee, eeeh!? Ahaha. Iya, well I guess.” [Rebecca]
Rebecca-san flustered. Was Isaac Rebecca-san’s ex-lover? The deceased leader of the mercenary group that occasionally came up in the conversation previously was apparently Isaac.
Since Shello-san was said to be the vice leader, he might have comforted her after the leader died, thus shortening the distance between the two of them…..Well, that sounds like a common story.
“It smells very much like lies, Becky. Are you perhaps telling a lie to Jirou-sama?” [Hetty]
“I-I have not! I have not say anything at all.” [Rebecca]
“Hmmm. Jirou-sama, is Becky really married? Who’s the other party?” [Hetty]
“Eh? Will it be alright for me to answer this? It’s Shello-san who used to be the mercenary group’s vice leader, isn’t it? He’s a really kind person and has helped me out in various ways before.” [Jirou]
“Aa………….I see. So that’s how it is……………Becky, why didn’t you tell him the truth?” [Hetty]
“Eh, no, I mean……….I had thought that he might notice it immediately so….or rather since he didn’t notice it, it ended up dragging on till now…….I have not affirmed it though…… Although we have intentionally portrayed it that way to the people in the city since it would be really troublesome if they were to know that I’m single.” [Rebecca]
What is up with this flow of conversation? Could someone explain to me what is going on?!
“Shello Roth, the feared 『Monster (Juggernaut)』 was one of the strongest warrior and also the vice leader of 『Scarlet Wedge』. He’s a combat maniac who made use of almost all the spirit stones in hand to preserve his youth…….and also” [Hetty]
While I was having a huge question mark hovering over my head, a mischievous smile floated across Hetty-san’s face as she continued.
“He’s Becky’s biological father.” [Hetty]