Material and Method
Adults albino rats 25 in number weighing (150 g-200g) of either sexes were procured from small animal house of
UFHT Medical College, Haldwani, Nainital Uttarakhand. They were kept in clear and dry plastic cages at 26+ 2C
and 45.55% relative humidity. The animals were fed with standard pellet diet and water was given ad libitum. For
experimental purpose the animals were kept fasting overnight but allowed free access to water . Principles of
laboratory animal care guidelines were followed and prior permission was sought from the institutional animal
ethics committee for conducting the study.
Plant Material & Extract Preparation
Fruits of Eugenia Jambolana (EJ) was obtained from Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand in the month of June-July.
Fruit and seed were separated and each dried at room temperature and grounded in electric grinder to have course
powder. Extraction of seed and pulp powder separately was done with adequate amount of 90% ethanol for 7 days
and the extract so obtained was filtered . The procedure was again repeated twice using adequate amount of ethanol
for 3 days . The extracts of pulp and seed was again filtered and mixed separately with previous lots. The yield of
the ethanol extract was 13.5g/100g for seed and 11.5g/100ml for pulp. The antidiabetic drug glibenclamide .6mg/kg
body weight taken as standard drug.