I am really very happy to hear from you. Thank you so much for those pictures you sent to me. You are really a wonderful person and you are so honest and nice to me. I want you to always know that I appreciate your honesty and your love. Your love keeps me warm and healthy. I really thank God for bringing you my way and I am ready to be with you all my life if only you will give me the chance.
I don't have Line, but i have Facebook account.
My heart, my body and my soul is full of happiness knowing you. I am really pleased to have you in my life and I am willing to come over to meet you or invite you here to meet me. It will be my greatest joy to meet with you.
My dear, I am presently making arrangements to travel to Asia in the very near future. All I am waiting for is to receive letter from the company in Malaysia so I will know when I will be traveling, In my whole life, I have always had my mother and my son as the most important persons in my life, but since I have met you and I am ready to spend the rest of my life with you, I have added you alongside my mother and my son as the most important people in my life. You are really very important to me, you are like my own flesh now and I want you to be my future wife. As my future wife and partner, I want to tell you all my secrets. I want to tell you about the reason why I will be traveling to Malaysia.
It is about my late father. My late father was handling a contract over there and when he finished the contract, he was not paid the money before he died. For so long, I and my mother have been writing to the company about my father's unpaid money and after series of letters, they have now decided to pay us the money.
So, it will be an big opportunity for me to meet you. After I have concluded all the transactions in Malaysia, It will be my honor to meet with you so that we can look each other in the eyes and plan our future together. I will be the happiest man to meet you and share my feelings with you. Since I realized that you are very serious just like I am serious, I believe that we will make a perfect match to be together forever. I believe God wants us to be together.
What I intend to do is to travel to Malaysia very soon and after the transaction is complete, I will fly directly from Malaysia to meet you in your country so that we can spend time together to plan our future. I really want to thank you again for coming my way and for being so honest and serious with me. I promise you that I will always be there for you and never disappoint you. You have been so nice to me and you have made me feel true love and by the Grace of God, we will get to know each other much better and soon we will meet and plan our future. I really hope you will take me as your future partner. It will be my joy to spend the rest of my life with such a wonderful, loving and honest woman like you. I pray God will guide this relationship so that it will materialize to a successful and long lasting relationship.
Life is sometimes funny because most times we expect that our soul mate will be from the same area where we are but Destiny has its own way of putting the right people together. Destiny could bring someone from the North to meet another person from the South and at the end of the day, they will turn out to be a perfect match and they will have a successful marriage and enjoy their lives together. In our own case, I believe that it is destiny that has brought us together and surely this relationship will be fruitful. No matter the distance or means of communication, I believe we will enjoy everything that this relationship has to offer and we will spend the rest of our lives together.
For a long time now, I have felt emptiness in my heart. All my days on this earth, I have always wanted someone that can stand by me at all times, love me with all her heart and trust me so much. I do not care about her age, her religion or her location and I believe that God has brought you to fill that emptiness in me and may God continue to guide us and bless this relationship and also bring us together forever.
May God bless you at all times and keep you safe for me. It will be my pleasure to receive email from you soon.
I love you always.