Shunyi District lies in the Northeast suburbs of the city of
Beijing, 30 km from the city center. Located between 40◦01
and 40◦18N and 116◦28 and 116◦59E, it occupies an area of
about 1021 km2 with a population of 724,000. Plains account
for 95.7% of the total land area, and more than 20 rivers belonging
to the Beiyun River, Chaobai River, and Jiyun River water
systems are found in the district. Hypsography indicates greater
land relief in the North than in the South. Shunyi is located in the
warm temperate zone and has a semi-humid continental monsoon
climate. It contains 19 towns, 10 situated to theWest of the
Chaobai River and 9 to the East; the former are more developed
than the latter.