Please allow me to introduce myself,
I'm a man of wealth and taste. ♪
Come on, take a chair and sit down.
So... now you're my guest, tell me about you. You're there because you clicked on the picture of a random guy more or less good looking (thanks to the sun effects in my room) and you're wondering if he's nice or if he's a real asshole, if he has a good sense of humor or if he's the only one to laugh at his jokes (which are, by the way, awesome, people just have no taste).
You probably also wonder if I'm interesting enough for a decent conversation or if, as the major part of the people here, I can't say more than :
"- Hey, how are you?
- Fine, and you?
- Fine. (damn, I can't say "and you"... er...) Nice weather here, what about you?
- Ok, ok, great... it's rainy there.
- Oh, too bad. (honestly, I don't care)"
I used to write a lot about me but it isn't worth because anyway people just don't read anything and prefer to leave the kind of messages mentioned above.
Just know that :
I'm a boy. (nobody ever asked about it and for the moment, I haven't received any wedding propositions from guys but who knows?)
My name is written. If you're not able to read it, it's not my fault.
I study History at the University.
I'm a big comics reader when I have time to(which is currently not the case).
I'm fascinated by Scandinavian countries and I plan to go there one day.