kridsana jailuek - Mahasiswa KKU Thailand
1. Introduce yourself to your audience in thai please.
2. you've been in Semarang for few days, how do you feel?
3. How's the requirements to join this cooperative education in KKU Thailand?
4. How did your parents respond to this program?
5. Tell us about your activity during this cooperative education programme held in Udinus!
6. What are your hopes for this student exchange program between Udinus and KKU after this?
Lalida khammong : Mahasiswa Thailand
1. Introduce yourself to your audience in thai and english please.
2. Tell us about your activity during this cooperative education programme held in Udinus!
3. Where are the place you've ever visited during in Indonesia, especially Semarang?
4. What are the different cultures between Thailand and Indonesia?
5. What really do you like from Indonesia, especially Semarang?
6. have try some food here? Tell us your experience taste Indonesian's food