The Sand Cone Apparatus is used to determine the in-place density of any soil that can be excavated to a stable condition with hand tools. This method is generally limited to materials with a maximum particle size of 2 in (5.1 cm).
The Sand Cone Density Apparatus consists of a one gallon plastic container and a 6 ½ in (16.5 cm) detachable metal cone with valve. The cone assembly is corrosion resistant.
The Density Base Plate (ordered separately), also shown in the picture, provides a stable base for the Sand Cone. A center flanged 6 ½ in (16.5 cm) diameter hole receives the standard Sand Cone Funnel (S-120).
The center hole may also be used as a template to gauge the diameter of the test hole. The flanged Density Base Plate also helps in preventing loss of soil removed from the test hole. It is made from cast aluminum alloy.
Size 12 x 12 in (30.5 x 30.5 cm). Ottawa Density Sand is used with the Sand Cone Density Apparatus to determine the volume of the excavated test hole