The study of the properties of rubber equivalent to Asphalt Cement Asphalt Cement with Natural rubber (NRA) found that
: 1. The weakness of the asphalt mix asphalt. Is higher than With conventional asphalt To reduce the bleeding.
2. Viscosity Mix asphalt will be higher.Conventional asphalt Make the texture of asphalt is mixed homogeneous
3. Characteristic speed of erection that asphalt is mixed. The speed of erection than conventional asphalt
4. The comparison showed that the Wages in the weight of the asphalt mix. Is greater than the pressure above the asphalt plain on the basis of the study is that the Asphalt Cement with Natural rubber (NRA) will have better features Asphalt Cement eligible to be used in the low cost and the Natural. rubber (NRA) is also a resource in the UK.A solution for Natural rubber (NRA) and low pricing with suggestions , although the characterization of Asphalt Cement with Natural rubber (NRA) will be in a better way, but must be considered. The preparation process, such as temperature, composition, etc. Therefore, it is recommended in practice, if it has to go in a real way. It should include a mix of plant Asphalt. A large mixing tank can be mixed quantities. Using the method and time to mix properly. Also used car unloading Asphalt Cement with Natural rubber (NRA) should be installed in a mixing tank.