2. Material and method
2.1. Material
Two kinds of standard sesamum oil were prepared with health code from Ministry ofHealth and Medical Education of Islamic Republic of Iran. 7-day purified bacterial cellulose was used for coating. E.coli (AATCCI1303) and Saureus (AATCC 65380 as a gram negative and gram positive bacteria were applied for antibacterial studying, respectively.
2.2. Method
Purification: Bacterial cellulose layer was purified with 0.1 N NaOH solution for 90min at boiling point then samples were neutralized. Coating: Immersion method was applied for coating layers. Dried and wet BC purified layer is immersed for 8 hours in sesamum oil Bending stiffness: Bending stiffness ofmicrobial cellulose isdetermined by BS 3356 standard with shirley bending instrument. According to this method specimens are prepared in 2.5cm 20cm dimension. The bending stiffness is calculated by followed equation:
G m MC3 x 9.8 x 10 (1)
M: Fabric weighr(g/m2) Bending stifiness(HNm).
length of bending Wettability: The wettability property of layer is assessed by standard sinking time method (ASTM D2281-10). Antibacterial property: The antibacterial property of treated sample with sesamum oil is investigated by AATCC 47 method (zone of inhibition) Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): The surface morphology of the untreated and purified specimens were studied via SEM (Model: XL30. Philips. Netherlands) instrument. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): The surface topology of the treated and untreated samples was structurally characterized by AFM (Model: Multi Mode, Ara Research Nanotechnology company, Iran)
3, Result and discussion
According to the importance of moist environment around wound and also no adhesion of wound dressing to bed wound, sinking method for hydrophilic layer was applied, The obtained result in Table 1 indicated that dry layer impregnated with sesamum oil has higher hydrophobic property than wet layer impregnated with sesamum oil. This property caused no adhesion of wound dressing to bed wound but reduction of water absorption should be considered in wounds that have high exudate. In addition, there isn't any wettability property in 4 day dried sample treated with sesamum oil. This layer can be used for dry wound which has no exudate and wound's surface should keep greasy and moist