Building on their work,this study provides a pan-European analysis (36 Europeancounties) of forest cover change across both space and time .It lays the ground for the first dynamic assessment of the soil loss potential in the EU-28 forests. Forest cover change (or forest loss) is defined as a stand-replacement disturbance or the complete removal of the tree cover canopy at the Landsat pixel scale . The High-resolution Global Forest Cover Loss map (2000–2012) of was reprocessed and validated to assess the forest cover change. The 1 arc-second per pixel data (approximately 30 m per pixel) within the three main forest units of the CORINE land cover map 2006 were used. After correcting the forest fire incidents , the remaining forest cover changes were assumed to be primarily related to tree logging activities. This assumption seems to be justified as the permanent land-use conversion actions in European forest lands are at a rather low level limited and other sources of forest cover change suchas windthrow, insect and pathogen outbreaks appear spatially considerably less compared to logging