Further experiments were designed for this present study utilising
the same methodology as the preliminary study as outlined in Table 1.
The experiment was undertaken in a different house in a different location whilst keeping as many of the variables in the original experiment
as similar as possible. The experiment was repeated six times with two
of the same flower types (in this case lily and freesia) in vases at either
end of the room as shown in Fig. 2. For the first four runs of the experiment, the 22 sampling locations (which comprised a mixture of hard
and soft furnishings and aimed to cover a broad spatial area) were sampled using double sided tape on an electron microscope stub (1.27 mm
diameter) every 24 h for 9 days as was carried out in the preliminary
experiment (reported by Morgan et al. [1]). This was undertaken in
order to establish whether or not similar trends could be identified in
the different rooms. For the final two runs the sampling time frame
was extended so that the 22 sites were sampled every 48 h for
17 days. The flowers were then removed (after 9 days for runs 1–4
and after 17 days for runs 5–6) and the sites within the room were
sampled every 5 days for the next 20 days for runs 3–6. At the end of
each experimental run, the room was thoroughly cleaned and control
samples were taken to establish the cleanliness of the room for subsequent runs.