Everyday Life / Profession:
With the Sun, Mercury, and the Moon in Scorpio everything will be experienced dramatically. We have become sensitive with this New Moon. On Tuesday the Moon enters Sagittarius where it meets Saturn and Venus mid-week, so that we emotionally deal with the most recent events once more. The Sagittarius Moon shows our need for understanding. Is there a higher sense that is to be grasped? Many people feel confirmed in their old judgments and fears. Sometimes we need a shocking experience in order to get out of an old pattern. On Thursday we go a step further and would like to know more about the background (Mercury in connection with Pluto), which could depress the mood after Friday (Moon in Capricorn), which however can also lead to a reevaluation of the situation. Venus-Uranus, Moon conjunct Pluto on Saturday. Moon conjoined Mars and in tension with Uranus as well as the Moon moving into Aquarius on Sunday. Everything demands a reappraisal.
Partnership / Love:
This Scorpio New Moon is a turning point that may be experienced very differently because the sign of Scorpio stands for either/or. Mars moves out of tension with Uranus, Venus enters a harmonious relationship to Uranus, indicating changed circumstances. Relationships must be conducted with freedom, even when they are entered into with commitment. Should that not be possible, you will simply seize your freedom.