When it comes to causing controversy and creating quite a stir, few topics are as polarizing and anger inducing as human cloning. At one time human cloning was seen as a profound achievement in the field of biology, but that is no longer the opinion of some. Human cloning has quickly become a topic that is extremely controversial and starts debate all over the world. Coming to an agreement on the issue of human cloning is not easy. However, a deeper understanding of this issue can lead to some clarity. Taking a look at human cloning from both sides and comparing the pros against the cons allows for a different perspective.
What is Human Cloning?
Some of the controversy and differing opinion involving human cloning can be due to the complexity of this issue. Human cloning is not something that is easily understood or explained. It is a very complex process that involves a variety of different elements. In basic terms, human cloning is essentially the process of making a genetically identical copy of a human. Not only is human cloning the creation of a copy of a person, but it is also used to describe the creation of copied cells or tissue of any individual. It is easier to understand the process of human cloning when you compare it to the process that takes place when human twins are conceived. However, the main difference is that the birth of human twins is seen as a natural practice, but human cloning is seen as artificial in nature.
There are basically two different groups of human cloning that have been identified. Human reproductive cloning is the term used to describe the process that takes place when a human clone is created. Therapeutic cloning is slightly different and involves the process of cloning human cells for use in medical research. Each type is seen as a form of cloning, but they are classified differently.
Is it Good or Bad?
Trying to determine if human cloning is good or bad is almost an impossible endeavor. Almost everything under the sun has both positives and negatives. This is no different for human cloning. Before you come to your own conclusion on the topic of human cloning, it is always a wise idea to be fully informed on both sides of the issue. This means that you should know about both the pros and cons. Determining if this process is safe or ethical is normally up to personal opinion, but having more information at your disposal never hurts.
What Are the Pros of Cloning Humans
1. Innovation That Can Change the World
Cloning is innovation that is extremely powerful and has the ability to bring about huge change. Not only can the animal and plant population be revived with cloning, but human cloning has the potential to offer huge benefits to those people living.
2. Infertile Couple Can Have Children
Human cloning has the ability to make it possible for couples that were once not able to have their own children to finally have babies without having to use sperm donation or surrogacy. Reproductive cloning can be the wave of the future for those couples that are labeled as infertile. Giving all people the ability to have their own children is a huge benefit that human cloning can eventually provide down the line.
3. New Meaning of Genetic Modification
Through the use of human cloning it will also be possible for potential parents to actually choose specific traits for their child. This means that sex, eye color and other traits can be chosen and not left up to chance. Many people see this as a huge benefit and a way to use science in a new light.
4. Curing Disorders
Human cloning also has the potential to help cure certain disorders. Through therapeutic cloning treating various diseases and disorders can be done by replacing damaged organs and tissues within the body. This means that the process of human organ transplantation can become simplified and the success rate can be improved immensely. The medical benefits that are possible through human cloning are not even fully known. It has the ability to completely transform and alter the way that many diseases and disorders are treated.